After balling my eyes out for this bitch in the beginning, my fears of a cliche ending was confirmed. Guess the typical romance cliche ending is. Life is hard.

Wow, do you always use screen names making fun of people who are triggered by your boring and clichéd assessment of victims (calling the female lead a b**** because she succumbed to abusive behavior? Seriously?) in a story, especially when it's apparent you're not reading comments and spoilers that are actually accurate. All you have to do is actually read the comments beneath yours for once to realize that that could NOT be farther from the truth in the case of this particular version of the story. T.

IDK what your worked up about. I am a person who casually uses bitch with everyone. It's like how Australians use cunt a lot. Just as you commented with your account this account of mine is of course used to vent my opinions. I'm still reading the manga to find out what the story is about cause the art is good. I'm just going to be pissed if she ends up the guy. so chill

Although I like the manga as a whole, I can't get over the fact that Taichi raped Naoto. Like it's a toxic relationship no matter how I see it. The problems that Taichi have can't be fixed in that short amount of time and that event was definitely not trivial. After that point, I just couldn't enjoy the manga as much. There are some things that can't be fixed. The good idea would have been to just leave him.

If he left him he would only get worse. Also Naoto seems to truly care about him so I hope that they will only get better from now.

It's a great read if you are willing to feel. I walked in thinking it would have a shit plot but I was wrong.
I don't get the hate for Chiaro and the sister, though. No matter how I see it, Chiaro can't return his feelings because he's straight. Expecting him to like another romantically is just as bad as expecting a gay man to fall in love with a woman. As for his love with Cesare's sister, Cesare obviously knew but was in denial.

the author gets money on webtoons.com
Lol he's a narcissist not cool