Lee won really have the strongest personality like I would be tweaking if my man was that peacock dude
They really need to change the art style asap cause wtf was that!? A pure diabolical shit
Let's just keep our braincells aside while we read this shi
Seriously fuck Ilay, i hate that peice of shit. No fucking character development what so ever. Taeui deserve way better then that peice of shit
Okay, so you're telling me it took freaking 90+ chapters to make a decent chapter to read that is not blood boiling level??
Hope that there won't be any freaking grap scene in the future, I'm freaking tired of that shit
It’s finally hereeeee. I have waited a long ass time for this. Gotta re-read this again (I forgot the storyline ) ┗( T﹏T )┛
When I first came across this manhwa I wasn’t expecting much from it and thought it would be same as all the other isekai I have read so far but dang this manhwa proves me wrong at every point. Truly something that I admire, the author and the artist had really put their thoughts and works on making this. Every little scene was on point and the characters designs, their themes, personalities was spot on. I have to say this is truly a well written masterpiece.
Rome wasn’t built in a day and also my hatred for that bitch ass motherfucker Oscar. My dear Ines needs a rest!!!!!
I feel like I lost some of my brain cells after reading this.
Now let me say I'm the biggest hater, I hate the way that she walk, the way she talk, I hate the way she dress. I hate the way that she sneak diss, I hate the way she’s alive!!! If she was on fire and I had a water, I will drink it
Oh my blood pressure….. I swear I’m really going to jump in this manhwa and give that bitch a horrifying dead wtf!!! Leave that poor baby aloneeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
Day by day my blood boils seeing that empress bitch…… lord please transmit me to this manhwa and let me kill this bitch ass looking creature
After years of waiting it’s finally here!!!! Hope the story line won’t be a crap