And the cat guy just asked the girl with big boobs that the mc saved in the beginning if she was related to royalty right? This dumbass runs away from dinner crying and I’m sorry but whenever a character does that it is just the funniest thing like what?
Imagine if someone did that irl like you asked them “so uh I heard you broke up with your ex” and then all of a sudden the freeze and start tearing up then they run away holding their mouth while trying to fight tears saying “IM SORRY I TALK ABOUT THIS” like what?
Anyways I’m sure it was supposed to be very touching but whenever a character does that I can’t take them seriously

The uniform is super cute, like really really cute I think these are my favorite uniforms I’ve seen. But I can’t get into the story there’s too many stories where the person ends up in the villains body of some Western European magic type world says they want nothing to do with the male lead but ends up changing the corse of the story with their actions therefore making the male lead interested in them. But at least the art and uniforms are cute
When she introduces herself as the sheep of the family I swear I thought the same thing about myself when I was going through my “emo phase” and it’s bringing back all the fringes memories especially with all that “I don’t belong in this family” (dramatic sigh) oh the memories