Age 13, I met this girl in a 3D rhythm game and got her into thinking I'm a 22 years old rich guy from Japan, it lasted for 3 months but ended when 'I' died. After a few days, she messaged me with "You fooled me". I felt bad, but I was 13 so I responded with "I didn't fool you, you're simply a fool" Sorry Christine, Lance Otosaka is too good to b......
Dojin from Love Is An Illusion. I rmbr people loving and defending that guy all the time. He always gets the sympathy. And I find that it's really hypocritical of other people to admire, sympathize, and defend him when he's an abuser who r-worded Hyesung. Those people were the same people who would preach about how "it's always men" and always talk......
I was a Facebook catfish