Can't you lazy @sses just shut up ? They take their time uploading, All you get is a notification. Don't you have anything better to do irl ?
Found my new wallpaper
Please share
baby's face obviously
Does it ever say how old they are ? curious about the age gap
I believe their age gap was 6 or 9 years but I'm not sure where I read it seheon is definitely in his early 30s and yunshin mid 20s
their age gap is 6 years which was mentioned when yoonshin was asking if he can speak casually to mr kang
Thanks you two
Author is posting on pixiv, it has 12 "chapters" already user 16372438 series 249022
Not the fluff I waited 100+ chapters for
totally waiting for a tall Akkun
Except threesome, i don't see any other way out
it's out on webtoons com < The Second Chance Convenience Store >you can support the author there for free ♡
So sad the brothers' story is not translated I just want to see more of Roxant
yayy it's out on WEBTOON if you guys want to follow it there
Can't you lazy @sses just shut up ? They take their time uploading,
All you get is a notification. Don't you have anything better to do irl ?