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DateSyrup05 March 20, 2025 11:25 am

Why I'm I laughing my ass off over this âš° like one moment they're going at it and next a child is at the door, I can't sjjsgsjaksbshj

DateSyrup05 March 18, 2025 12:13 am

I just want someone to swoop in and steal Dajeong from sihyoung and give Dajeong all the love and support he deserves

Also, I hate how everyone is hating on Dajeong for not being able to let go of his abuser. This scenario is a very real thing that happens irl and the people stuck in these toxic relationships still deserve to be treated with love, grace and respect. Shaming them and being angry at them isn't helping, it only further increases their feelings of sadness and loneliness as well as their fear of leaving their abuser/emotional reliance on their abuser in the long run.

I think society places too much pressure on individuals to be the 'perfect victims' and seek help on their own and if they don't, we tend to withdraw support from them or ahead and blame the victims for being in that situation instead of the abuser. I think this way of thinking of thinking is really detrimental to the victim's mental health and keeps actual abusers from being held accountable for their actions

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