Friendly reminder to peoeple who accuse Boku no Pico as "child porn":
Child pornography is documentation of reality through photography or film without any select recreation, integration or consent of actors. Children can never consent to sex; Child Porn can never be art. People may declare that it can be art,but none can explain why without moving the goal postby stating that anything canbe art, including filming
oneself raping children.Loli/shota art is art, child porn is not. if a person traces or copies reality, it lacks recreation, and remains non-art.
And Ofcourse a lot of Boku no pico haters is also murder fiction fans. The hyprocrity much. Also I'm so disgusted about Boku no Pico haters since most of them are straight men who are into lolicon/straightshota, literally just say you homophobic and go