my fav shoujo manga ever... hopefully it updates this month

update: ahhh the author is posting some wips so im guessing that the new (raw) chapter will be out next month (maybe august 15)! im gonna be honest here, while im rlly excited for the next part i rlly can't move on from what haruki did
the fact that she practically ruined Yuusuke's innocence and perspective of love still makes me so frustrated UUGH i feel so bad for him that he didn't experience a normal kind of crush simply because of her being an insecure/immature adult that lead her to having sex w him for comfort... he was just 14, she really didn't have to do all that cuz it'll literally affect him forever even if he's started to catch feelings for yukari it's not like the trauma will be instantly gone, she left a big hole in his heart and it'll take a lot of time to heal.... and maki too! she's gonna think that she'll never be enough for yuusuke now that she thinks he went back to haruki,,, the words that haruki said to her probably affected her a lot too, since she knows full well that she's Yuusuke's first love and all
this manga truly gives you a LOT of pain, but the ending is tbh i think pretty worth it (not sure if it'll follow the old plot aka when the author used to upload studio cabana on a reaally old website, but i hope it does...)

???? i think i read this before??? or am i just hallucinating

there are 2 entries on r-i-d-i-b-o-o-k-s and one of them is the novel I think (link: https://ridibooks.com/search/q=%ED%8D%BC%ED%8E%99%ED%8A%B8+%EB%B2%84%EB%94%94) but they are in korean. there isnt a translation yet.