why is the uke have a dump look like he doesn't understand or air-headed . It feels like he has the body of a 20 yo but his brain is not over 8 ... Is he ill or something ? Is that supposed to be sexy ? Is that a new way to catch guys ?

Well, the island he was living at didn't give enough education to the people that lived on the island, and they just lived doing the same things over and over again. Meili, (who's probably going to be the Uke) lived on that island from age 2-20 and he is currently 20 so he hasn't really had the chance to learn more than what he had learned from the island.

yeah but he is just way innocent and clueless. At least even if you live on an island like that you'd still have common sense, no? It's like if he accidentally cuts himself he would have no reaction at all and would just be like "Oh, I'm bleeding".
And living on an island wouldn't be so different from a city except the technologies and transportations. There is still justice there, laws, hospitals, markets, sex, lust, relationships, and anything related to how a human thinks.
So his behavior is questionable, not unless he is mentally sick because of his past or just a mental health problem. Anyway I hope he will have character developments.

Then they would have been extinct already if you say it's only mostly old people, even if let's say there are no kids old people still thinks about those kind of things. They are still humans and have the desire but except they don't show it or at least they still have that type of knowledge considering they still went through youth.
And yes I have been in a province and an island, as a matter of fact some of my relatives lives at a province. They aren't any different, they think and act the way how people acts in a normal way or city people does. The author just made Meili too much of an airhead. Being conservative doesn't have anything to do with common sense and basic knowledge so I think you're missing the point here.
Meili keeps on doing things that people wouldn't normally do, like jumping on a 30 year old guy while you are 20. You'd somehow think that it isn't appropriate, meanwhile he thinks there is nothing wrong with it and that it wouldn't be misinterpreted.
By the way, I live in Asia as well and it's funny to say that 20 years old act that way. They don't, they would even be courteous and think of how they act and know what is proper from not. Meili here casually jumps on the seme thinking there is nothing wrong and just acts like a child. Sadly, the art is beautiful but Meili's thinking is holding back the spark of this manhwa.
OMG I am so happy ... so so happy
This is so cute that I can't stop smiling ! Auther-sshi gotta say you hoped to make the readers smile when reading the comic and you actually did ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ