I really loved Heeseo because of what happened to him in the past and sympathized with him...but now...it looks like he doesn't have a heart anymore...And is just a manipulative bitch...He knows all of Taekyung's tricks and doesn't trust Taekyung cause he did in Season 1 and got hurt...I don't think their relationship is gonna be fixed after this...I just hope they both are happy at the end...be it with each other or without each other....I WANT THAT ALTERNATE UNIVERSE WHERE HEESEO'S MOTHER DIDN'T DIE

It's literally written there "Yaoi"....what did you expect to see? And the plot does call for it since Heeseo has been away from Taekyung for 7 years now....The plot is moving slowly but is still there so hand on to it....or else you can drop it if you are uncomfortable.....Don't say anything about the author cause she definitely knows what she is doing and if it isn't your cup of tea....Then there are other drinks in the market....PEACE

It's quite simple in the fictional world.....If you like it then read it or else don't.....And just cause someone likes it in Fiction doesn't mean they will like it in real life....How can you even compare real life rape to whatever Dark romance smut the author drew?!?!? And which victim in real world maturbates while thinking about it's rapist????? It's toxic....we all get it....but it is much better than Manhwas like "Non Sum Zero"...."Darkfall", Sadistic Beauty,etc.....Just cause it's toxic...you can't straight away call it rape like other Manhwa ls that have actual rape in them....If you are uncomfortable reading it then FUCK OFF....You don't get to tell the author what to draw and what not to draw....Mind your own business....Thank You

Let's stop with this Green flag and Red flag shit...okay? They are human too....Being fully green without making any mistakes is ridiculous....no one is that perfect and if they are then that means they are not real humans....What matters is who actually feels bad and apologises after making a mistake....That is the difference between a Green flag and a Red flag....A GREEN flag might act out of character sometimes because of a situation and makes him angry or lose his mind but that doesn't Mena he isn't a Green flag....Good people who have been good for too long have their limits too....That doesn't make them bad people......Don't be that fast to judge a person....Don't forget all the previous chapters cause of one moment....It's a Manhwa and there are gonna be hard times.....Just trust the process...
And if you can't love a Green Flag through the hard times too then you should just stop reading cause every Character makes mistakes...

Exactly!! They don't even try to understand why a character acts out of it's normal behavior and go straight to judging....They just want a manhwa with no plot twists and interesting stuff....they just want a super unreal manhwa where there is only happiness and no sorrow like some fairytale...Love is not that simple....But if you wanna love a character then don't judge them by their mistakes but by their normal personality...

lmao if my boyfriend did this **** to me we would be close to a breakup and a hard yelling argument. everyone so mad because it's out of character cause in every other situation he never did this but he suddenly decided to do this in the worst possible moment when he knows he has a abusive ex with mental powers who could have made him see things.
that's what I first thought that he was controlling him to be turned on and see things that aren't there.
but blondie gets further angry that he can't leaves bruises on him so he decides to get rough with him? when the lube is literally six feet away it makes no sense I'm not gonna stop reading it doesn't mean I can't be valid in my feelings that it was stupid and pointles.
it would have made sense in a different argument or setting but I don't even know why he's angry at this point makes no sense OOC

Just because he has the power to stop it doesn't mean anything his personality is self loathing and he's in a state of mind where it's blackout drunk it's taking advantage of somebody it's like saying oh why didn't the girl fight back she could have fought back it's so easy and some people sometimes put up with stuff when they love somebody or care about them a lot. I still love Blondie though I'm just mad at this stupid plot point that didn't need to be there, but I have high standards because it's so good and they just had to taint it for no reason because what other manga's us do the same thing?

For God's sake....The MC is okay....And the ML feels bad for his behavior too even tho he didn't hurt the MC....You have to admit that in this Manhwa the MC is strong and not fragile....He is a power bottom and can push off the ML....So everything is okay for this Manhwa....It's just a little angst...they will definitely get through it....

For the people who are calling the beautiful angry sex in the last chapters "Rape".....please refrain from reading any type of rough sex because you can't differentiate between rough sex and Rape....
Later in ch32 we will see how much Yiyoung loved the angry side of Director Kang....My boy was on cloud 9 after the angry office sex

He didn't mean to hurt Jooha. If a Good guy does something bad because of his mental state then that doesn't make him a bad person...Dooshik is human too....And you should see it in his eyes and body language that he is mentally unstable and scared....and that is the reason why he keeps saying "Your Mine"...He feels that the new Jooha isn't his old Jooha and that fact makes hum feel like Jooha isn't his...He needs his old Jooha to console him...comfort him...
All that trauma in his head : Watching Jooha in that state in Ch71, Jooha's pain in Ch75( 1st chapter Dooshik broke) Thinking Jooha hates him in Ch82, Pilwon pointing the gun at Jooha, Jooha jumping off the cliff with Pilwon to save Dooshik....After all that Jooha lost his memories....AND now calls Dooshik "Mister" and thinks he is Pilwon....Just imagine the mental stress and traumas on Dooshik....The man was bound to succumb to his pain and breakdown....and hurt Jooha....
Dooshik is less mature than Jooha...Still he was so strong for so long...he always put up a smile so that Jooha smiles too...Comforts Jooha every night by saying "I'm hear" Even when he knows that Jooha thinks he is Pilwon...Calling someone the villain when they are the hero will definitely break them into pieces....Especially if it's their lover calling them that....Can't you people see his eyes in Ss3 or ss4? They are dead and sad....No hope in them...
The sex with new Jooha didn't feel like old Jooha cause Jooha's reactions were different and he didn't even cum pearls anymore....it's like the old Jooha is gone and will never come back...
I am not telling anyone to think that what Dooshik did is okay....cause it's not...He did cross the line...What I am trying to say is....Try to understand his situation too....he is suffering too....We call him Green flag and forget that he is human too....Let's try to put ourselves in his shoes and understand his mental state and emotions....He is literally trembling in ss7 and his eyes are still sad...he is hugging Jooha to feel his warmth but somewhere he knows that the new Jooha isn't his Jooha and doesn't love him like the old Jooha...
When a Good man does something bad for the first time....Try to find out the reason....try to understand....Do not accept hid actions but accept him cause he is still the same Good Guy....just lost his way. He is still the same Dooshik...just lost his way...Stop calling him a rapist and comparing him to Pilwon...Pilwon knew what he was doing to Jooha....Dooshik is so mentally unstable that he doesn't even know what he is doing or what to do....He just wants Jooha to get his memories back....
Inking did the right thing....she showed that Dooshik is human and can break too....

That’s true but it was also unnecessary for the author to include such things in the after story. We got so much RP and abuse in previous chapters and she should have just retired that scenario and started a new fresh one where it’s a healthy relationship for the both of them. It was really unnecessary. Because like you mentioned Dooshik went through a lot as will so maybe for a change she should have had Jooha try to be seductive trying to seduce Dooshik since that was his plan to top . So having a fun flirty scenes where then Dooshik flips the tables and says you were the wife in the relationship would have been better. And we can have a separate scene where Dooshik feels the emptiness of the changes that’s been happening especially since Jooha doesn’t make pearls anymore.
But to choose R@ P to show how dooshik is suffering is just unnecessary.

Well to be honest....since I have read worse that ss6....I don't think that is [email protected] Dooshik did Loosen up Jooha....and Going on after Jooha said "Stop" can be seen as overstimulation on Jooha's side but the going on after Jooha was unconscious was wrong and maybe that's why after a few thrusts Dooshik realised that too....that he was crossing the line....and then stopped....Yeah what Dooshik did was extreme but FOR ME...not extreme enough to be called [email protected] saved Jooha from Pilwon...the real [email protected] would never do the same to Jooha....atleast not in his right mind...

I know many people didn't like the side story.....but if you see it closely then it create a good meaning and sentiment....The blond girl didn't know what was missing so she kept making mistakes and trying to fill that missing piece with different girls....She does regret the day she stole her step-sister's girlfriend cause that made her lose the only thing that she loved and wanted....She could not have what she wanted and that's why she got obsessed with stealing from other people just to be able to feel that joy of getting what you wanted but it belonged to someone else just like her step-sister belonged to another girl....They were meant for each other as they complete each other and I am happy that they got together at the end....I think if the author elaborated on the side story and made a whole another story then everyone would understand how their love for each other is great.
This is sooooo wholesome!!! They are not fighting seriously for Ray...They have just accepted to share him!!!! The two servents always serve Ray cause they are loyal to him and the King's jealousy is soooooo cute!!!! I love how even if it's a foursome....We know who are loverssss...