Looks like ML has been leashing himself down mentally knowing there's something wrong with him, but he can't help letting out his thoughts onto ML.
This is probably what he's trying to avoid. ML's changing because of his behavior. This can go either ways: they go down together or it re-balances them.
This may punch a whole stability onto ML's mentality and gives him the clarity that he has to straighten up. Cos now MC's going to go through changes that he did. It's his turn to lead him now.
I've been on an aggressive search for a breakup plot that didn't involve the first main pair getting back together and this just ticked all my boxes and scratched all my brain itch.
I love the pain this caused *chef's kiss* I can still feel the scalding burn. And d a m n Yoon and Kwon just matched so well!
Don't forget that the reason why they even actually got to bond with Yu at the same time was as the doctor mentioned along the lines of "the mixing of mucus" between Ginga and Kouetsu. It obv meant they were involved with each other sexually.
I was expecting this but I got caught off-guard with how deep the reasoning actually turned out to be for Ginga's side.
Suddenly makes sense... the older brother...