well its understandable if shes not our favourite character because of how fucking adamant she is abt ippo boxing again but its ironically realistic asf and what fuvking abt it this is a sport manga wheres plot armour when we need it but the longer the wait the day ippo finally returns ALL HELL WOULD BREAK LOOSE idek anymore but one thing for sure ippo's number 1 have been and will always be miyata

theres trashta(rashta) at the east and theres trashta #2(krista) at the west im glad the trashta at the west are dealed w also is rashta's baby really soviechu's baby? sorry i read this manhwa a long time ago n forgot to bookmark and no way in hell am i reading trashta's behaviour from ep 1 again☠ so i skipped a few chapters
the day ippo returns is the day the world finally will be healing