fana August 12, 2023 10:53 am

lin li in the early chapters reminds me of jiwon from bj alex bzc of how he dislikes mc in the beginning lol AND THE RECENT CHAPTER OF HIM COMING OUT AS DENG DENG really reminds me of bj alex xdddd

    incognitoes August 12, 2023 11:54 pm

    like bj alex except way healthier lmaoo

    fana August 13, 2023 7:13 am
    like bj alex except way healthier lmaoo incognitoes

    FOR REALLL bj alex minus all the angst and uncensored smut ;;;;

fana August 12, 2023 6:21 am

No but is this really worth the 9.6 ranting tho cuz idk

fana August 12, 2023 6:20 am


fana August 12, 2023 2:32 am

I was literally so hype for this one but sigh 20 chapters of its up to us readers to make it make sense idk abt yall dont attack me but i would rather WAIT and have little choice of manhwa to read with proper translation rather than low quality ones if i knew the translation was bad i wouldnt read this Def my fault for not checking the comment and being ungrateful but cmon

    Milf Eater September 1, 2023 8:13 pm

    I agree I came to check if the chapters were enough to binge but reading all the comments abt bad translation makes me want to wait more like I want to enjoy the read and not have the bad translations affect my opinion on it yk( ̄∇ ̄")

    fana September 2, 2023 3:22 am
    I agree I came to check if the chapters were enough to binge but reading all the comments abt bad translation makes me want to wait more like I want to enjoy the read and not have the bad translations affect my... Milf Eater

    ifkr lets just hope an uploader w better translation would serve this manhwa justice soon

fana August 11, 2023 1:57 pm

Bruh they always left the chapter at the most butt wrenching moment i swear the uploaders r doing it on purpose my girl was abt to literally Come back to life AND IT JUST HAD TO END THERE BFFRRRR

    Me. August 14, 2023 2:34 am

    I'm sorry I'm just cracking up cause you wrote butt wrenching

fana August 11, 2023 1:54 pm

Aw when fl thought ml was dead my heart broke and when she talked to the living ml whom she tot was dead in a dream like state i'd like to assume that was the previous life zachary who died in war TT-----TT

fana August 11, 2023 1:50 pm

I need me a Man Who cries in bed like zachary god bless the author

fana August 11, 2023 4:44 am

Anyway the way sun jing keep on annoying qiu tong in the recent chapters is so precious making me feel single n lonely asf TT_TT

fana August 11, 2023 4:42 am

Skipping the repetitive art "chapter" at 12 am on a school night fighting the urge to sleep bcz i wannaa read more was xD anniying asf

    sinforgorlol September 8, 2023 2:09 am

    the author wont make an official chapter anytime soon since the chinese government said that they shouldn’t or something bc theyre all homophobic

    fana September 8, 2023 4:21 am
    the author wont make an official chapter anytime soon since the chinese government said that they shouldn’t or something bc theyre all homophobic sinforgorlol

    ☹thats so fucking sad like ta men de gu shi isnt even a provocative manhua its just abt a wholesome pair of lovers' daily lifes who just so happened to be wlw☹ RIGJT AND THIS ISNT EVEN THE FIRST TIME i read a good gl abt a doctor n a student which also got discontinued bcz of the government.. the fact tht they would go out of their way to stop queer manhuas yet leave the disgusting rapey manhuas alone says a lot abt the fucking china's gov

fana August 10, 2023 1:52 pm


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