since so many hate the ml the mc tho yeah ml wasnt paying the attention tht he shud be paying but did mc ever try to tell the ml abt the abuse tht shes been thru??? it looks like mc just brushed it off whenever ml said hes too bz to attend parties w her bcz she likes him and then suffer in silent like a mute ofc both of them r at fault but the way mc just bottled all the abuse shes been thru and just asked for a divorce str8 up is☠ mc shouldve told ml all the things his fam did like at the bakery when she was asking for divorce not made up a lie by saying she found someone to love??? idk man

GODDDDS knows when i stopped reading this manhwa to accumulate chapters to read BUT IT ALWAYS ENDS ON THE CLIFFIEST HANGER EVER dokja literally started an auction for the constellations and it just had to end there???????be so fucking for real universe why didnt i read this at 180 ish chap instead

BAHHWHWJAJWHW THANK U SM i cant really say for sure tho cuz im sure the 12 y/o me said the same thing abt disliking manga and only will be watching animes bcz i tot manga was boring☠ now i dont even watch animes anymore i jus read the manga n scoff at anime watcher giggling abt new animes tht ive been reading and know abt since last year

girl you are so real for this, i didnt think it would be possible to relate this much deadass i would do the exact same thing telling myself manga is shit ill never read that crap until yk, i read it now i dont watch anime or even read manga that shit has gotten so boring man istg i even make fun of anime and people who watch it and OBSESS over it n make it their whole darn personality myb bc i b reading manwhas nowadays, anime n mangas just dont reach to that standard but girl i get u on nother’ level so no worries bout it. who knows myb you’ll end up reading the orv novel n if u do its down right worth it

as an avid rofan child rearing genre lover this is exactly what i needed TT^TT yeondu and green nim is so precious the story isnt boring despite the lack of drama hopefully yeondu's peaceful and wholesome day with green will continue AND HOPEFULLY THE LAST BATCH WILL GET FIXED AND WE WILL SOON GET NEW UPDATES TOO
i absolutely love works like these remind me of act age and the panel of younggouk slapping his noona w a fish would never get old HAHAKANDJWNSJW