A guest from the planet of happiness, the alien Takopi, arrives on Earth to spread happiness through...
- Author: タイザン5
- Genres: Seinen / Loli / Psychological / Drama / School Life / Horror / Web Comic / Aliens / Supernatural / Mystery
- Author: Hoshita
- Genres: Manga / Yaoi / Smut Manga
Renta: Nao Minase's coworker, Chiaki Ohkawa, has a strong personality, eye-catching good looks,...
- Author: Tadanoyasu
- Genres: Yaoi
Hanamaru Academy is just like any other all girls' school, but it has one big difference: the l...
- Author: Kotobuki
- Genres: Comedy / School Life / Slice Of Life
After a night of drinking, Neko woke up to find another man sleeping naked next to him. His clothes ...
- Author: Pii
- Genres: Romance / Yaoi
Even if its not fate, I want to be with you. Ayumu is a worker at a real estate agent and he's ...
- Author: Pii
- Genres: Drama / yaoi
- Author: Pinkuge
- Genres: Manga / Shoujo(G) / Comedy / Delinquents / Romance / School Life / Slice of Life Manga Comedy Delinquents Romance School Life Slice of Life
"We're not related by blood, but we're real parents." Now that same-sex marriage has been legalized ...
- Author: Roji
- Genres: Yaoi / Slice of Life
When one’s life mission is to provide a mighty dragon with the sex education he deserves, one ...
- Author: Ppeurin
- Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Adult / Mature / Smut / Fantasy
"Just thinking I'm about to ink his body... fills me with intense euphoria."Rookie ta...
- Author: kashima kotaru
- Genres: Romance / Yaoi
It’s the heyday of the alpha. Alphas have all of the riches and all of the power, whichthey in...
- Author: Kashima Kotaru,KASHIMA Kotaru
- Genres: Drama / Historical / Romance / Smut / Yaoi
All pure-hearted Mamoru Hishida wants is to live as a decent human being. So he can’t figure o...
- Author: Kashima kotaru
- Genres: Yaoi / Fantasy / Romance
[From BL Tsundoku Scans]: Yokosuka, is a high school boy who for the first time gets the result of t...
- Author: Koshino
- Genres: Yaoi / Comedy
I already confessed to him, but he still treats me like a child......
- Author: Upi
- Genres: Yaoi / Romance / Webtoons
[Fuhoe Scans]Tsubaki, who was perfect in looks and at his job, was going through a stressful time at...
- Author: Omayu
- Genres: Adult / Drama / Romance / Smut / Yaoi
Tomoki is an average salaryman with a meek personality. Due to this, he has little confidence in him...
- Author: Taga
- Genres: Romance / Smut / Yaoi
School troublemaker, Tatsumi Tsuda went to a gay bar due to some circumstances, and there he saw his...
- Author: Taga
- Genres: Comedy / Romance / School Life / Yaoi
- Author: Anji kadu
- Genres: Yaoi / Romance / School Life Romance School Life