Honk Honk answered question about make a picrew
”i give you that corn” -honk the farmer
Honk Honk shared experience about favorite yaoi sound effect
literal consent
Honk Honk shared experience about being awake for far too long
Befriend sleep, reject sleep, become sleep.
Honk Honk did

1075 people did   /   34 want to do

I am my own best friend

Honk Honk shared experience about live in omegaverse universe
My dick would probably invert all the way back into my right foot don’t ask me how that works-
Honk Honk shared experience about try pineapple on pizza
Don’t be a fucking pussy. Just suck it up.
Honk Honk shared experience about the most pain you felt
watching boku no pico
Honk Honk shared experience about set something on fire
arson is the fucking best lmao
Honk Honk shared experience about become gay
Reject humanity; become gay
Honk Honk shared experience about eat without getting fat
Simple: become a god
Honk Honk did

466 people did   /   57 want to do

hell yeah