*trigger warning, i guess- graphic self-harm, eating disorder, angsty poetry*
okay, so i have a very low tolerance to pain but i've been diagnosed with chronic depression for who knows how long and i tend to write random thoughts as poems and once i wrote,
"i always had a dream,
where i couldn't feel pain.
where i could tear open my skin,
break my ...... 1 reply
on one hand, i'd like to marry a girl and adopt a kid and have a normal life like that (that is, if same-sex marriage gets legalized where i am), but on the other hand i kinda just wanna live in a cheap apartment in the city with a cat (or 6) and live a happy life as a lonely (fujoshi? fudanshi? i'm non-binary help there's no gender neutral term fo...... reply
once i saw in a picture this graffiti on a train that said "this will pass, and this too will pass" and i'm pretty sure it wasn't even supposed to mean anything but to look nice but it has stuck with me for two years now because i know, even at rock bottom that everything is temporary and the pain always passes (wow that was cheesy) 1 reply
i'd say i'm an m because when i see someone hot my instinct is to yell "STEP ON MY FACE" or "FUCKING STAB ME DADDY" but i also have a low pain tolerance soo~ reply