Lmaoaoa mf is do damn lame and pathetic MY KING JIWOO WOULD NEVERRRRR he lost to him so many times lmaoaoaoaoao ts is funniest
i like anything cutesy, i hate hate HATE anything thats overly sexual
dropping ts off because HE IS WEIRD THAT SUHO BITCH WEIRD ASF
HAHAHA Alicia is weak to lloyds tears THEY ARE SO CUTE
ok now ts is PISSING me off bru why is the author dragging this shi its not fun no more
GOOD LAWD BOOM SHAKALAKA YES GOODDD!! the way he's playing with the belt thing on her waist OMGAAWWDD
moom bora is crazy why is she so damn childish like talk it out yall grown ass people
this fucking duke pussy ass bitch isn't it time to give up bro has no shame... literally lost to him every damn time like...... UR ASS AINT ON HIS LEVEL LEAVE HIM ALOONNEEEE
" you are truly a bad person" with the softest look on his face JAVIER TRULY GETS LLOYD
someone BEAT THIS MF OUUTTT imm throw hands myself if this bitch keeps acting like this A BITCHASS HOE
"should i fight god" LMAOAIAOAO i would marry bro on the spot without even a single second spared
Javier my child you have perfected the lloyd Frontera act im proud