The thing everyone was expecting was the development of the relationship between seme and uke and some lovable scenes. Everything came to an abrupt end and that's why there is disappointment from fans. Besides the end was a bit confusing and certainly open because the relationships were not straightened. Not between brothers, not between the 2 couples, nor with parents

I'm dropping this manga. I saw the raws and i know this is gonna depress me. I've read gengoroh tagame kind of fucked up shit, but this is smth else. The drawing is done with serious emotions, the uke is literally a sex slave for others. It is done so frequently to him, that he is brainwashed into thinking that he likes or wants it. This also needs a mindbreak tag. One of my biggest problems is the non consensual gangrape/rape done continously. For me if the manga had a different turn after chapter 10, i would continue this and in would be in my favorites list

Actually, he's not brainwashed yet. He doesn't to be with his ex-boyfriend and his brother but he is forced to say I love you because if not his beloved will be injured. His ex-boyfriend forces him to love him back. Ex-boyfriend's older brother want to take revenge by raping because his younger brother pushed their mom from the stairs and died. In addition, the ex-boyfriend's older sister is also crazy because she uses the main character to restain the temper of her younger brother and much more

Yess totally right but at times during one or two sex scenes it looks like 'mindbreak' and brainwashing to me, he feels pleasure during rape between him and the ex-boyfriend. He was totally against it but is slowly starting to enjoy it, for me this already points towards brainwashing through excessive sex. Hopefully i explained it well enough, it's not my strongest point

I have read till chapter 28. Then i stopped, i didn't like hoe the story was going. Spoiler: atleast till where i read the uke stays with ex-boyfriend and is continously raped by ex and the exes brother. And i guess even more people as the storie progresses. The series is at this point at chapter 58 and will continue so i can't say with whom he ends

He successfully escaped and lived with Dong Hyuk. When he escaped and lived with Hyuk, he was happy. But yul(ex-boyfriend) found him and threatened the main protagonist to come with him or else Hyuk will be in a dangerous situation. Now, yul locked the protagonist in his room naked. After a few day, yul' friends who raped him, came to the room and yul want the protagonist to spread his legs.
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