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mikurua November 8, 2024 7:30 am

okay so Ive seen some people comment how the parasite might have been born from human emotion and wondering how that makes sense with the other kaiju. I don't think the kaiju are born from emotions normally but I think they can evolve and like kaiju #9 develop an ego. In the earlier panels he mentioned soldiers fused their body's with the armor using a parasitic monster. I think with kaiju #8's parasite it was born from that fusion. It contains the anger, despair, and past feelings of those soldiers that fused with it while also being a type of kaiju. I think him slowly turning into #8 after longer and more use of the form is just him fusing with the parasite more and more. Which makes him stronger but ultimately while saving humanity he may have to forgo most of his. but idk that's just my thought process/ rant, I gonna go back and reread the earlier chapters

    mikurua November 8, 2024 7:41 am

    *one more comment before I reread the chapters lol* I could be totally wrong maybe it was mentioned in earlier chapters but I don't think it was, but kaiju being born from human emotions a la JJK doesn't make sense to me. This world building is very sci-ci based and although yes monsters are fantastical in nature they don't seem to be taking the supernatural route in my opinion and I hope they don't. I think it'd be more interesting if the soldiers from long ago fused with the parasite in a more evolutionary way and the kaiju are just creatures. I love fantasy and magic but Sci-Fi is so fun and I want this to be that. but hey, that's just me (and if its not sci-ci I'll still love it its not like I'm writin the story)

    Chiaki November 8, 2024 7:27 pm

    I think you're onto something with the parasitic type of Kaiju, makes sense as to why Kafka is turning more Kaiju the longer he keeps using the form.
    My guess was that Kaiju may be former humans with a hatred of humanity in some form but your take makes more sense lol

mikurua October 3, 2024 6:34 am

there's been too many times where he'll confess in a round-a-bout way and they don't actually end up understanding each others feelings - I wanna revel in the cliff hanger, giggle n kick my feet but I cant trust this manwha anymore TT^TT

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