Wait, they only started having sex after they graduated, why is Yuuchan saying his voice is only changing "now, at age 15"? He should be college age????

This is the official translation by June, which means that their ages were probably changed to be more suitable for Western audiences. I think they are actually graduating from middle school. If you think of this story happening to a middle schooler (12-13) rather than a high schooler (17-18), the characters, their maturity, and the level of abuse makes a whole lot more sense.

On a reread, I'm still fuckin' shocked by the first story being entertaining to anyone lol
And the second story is still one of the best!!! that I've read!!! How is it that this sensei has both ends of the spectrum, being an awful writer with bad pacing and characters, implications and overall tone, and then turns literally all that on its head and makes a perfect story
What's the phrase, if you can make a diamond in certain conditions, there's no excuse not to?

Zeus: "I hate humanity because they rape, hey Priapus, go and do some corrective rape yeah?"
Did not leave the greatest taste in my mouth, gotta be honest. There were waaaay better ways to structure this, like maybe not involving corrective rape for one?? 'Cause that really gross?? The only salvageable plot element was the red string, and the design of the mob boss was very good. I like the idea of Priapus! A kind of Aphrodite/Cupid character that joins in the action and then sets up some couples; totally fine with that. It's the mean-spirited plot of "Let's /make/ people a certain sexuality, and also kill them." When the underlying reason of "Let's fuck" is "Because I actually want you dead" that's a little bit of a turn off for me tbh

Yeah, I know. He's still doing it with the intent of killing off the entire species by causing breeding to diminish faster than reproduction. I understand the concept. That doesn't change the fact that he is literally trying to cause a genocide, albeit a slow one, through "corrective" rape. It's fucked my good sir

I like my stuff to be the total package personally. If we're talkin' smut, I can't get off on meanspiritedness - I'm not about to say that you're wrong if you do, but personally, I like my stories to be about nice people havin' a nice relationship, and I don't see why sex and love should be mutually exclusive. I also like to leave comments and critique things, and if people agree with me, great, and if not, also great. I think the the amount of normalized rape is yaoi is repulsive and should be called out when I see it, and I'm gonna stick to that. Cheers mates

For most things I like to give it a fair shake, and to be honest, the art is quite gorgeous. Mentaiko really is a master of his craft, and that's not for nothing, and I was rewarded with the last couple chapters, lucky me. It's honestly, and I say this without sarcasm, a bad habit of mine that I don't detach fast enough when I don't like something, or if I have mixed feelings about it - I let things get under my skin even when I don't need to, 'cause I'm a stubborn little shit haha. Guess I have more growing to do

The author is male ;)

I know this comment is a bit old but I think its really nice to hear someone else's point of view that differs from the mass consensus! I love this book & this author aloooottt but I think its good to call out things that need to be called out on. Even if its just smut, normalizing rape shouldn't keep catching on.
& I love your critique, so honest! I never personally felt this book was mean spirited but I think you make a totally valid & rational argument. I think its always great to critique & think deeply about the media we consume!

zeus didn't explicitly say that priapus had to rape them. he was the god of fertility, if he wanted to "destroy without blood" he could've made men impotent or infertile and i think that was what zeus wanted. it was priapus who misunderstood. and i don't think it was ill-intent because as zeus had said and as shown in the manga, humans were being immoral and savage. it wouldn't hurt to have a little balance because if it continued, they're the ones who're gonna destroy themselves eventually. that's what's making zeus concerned. not just cause he hates how humans are living their lives.

that's true and i agree tho my intent was not be right, i just wanna reassure op that they don't have to be concerned of this story because it wasn't portraying what they thought it did. i didn't just say that because it's my opinion but also because i saw evidences that have led me to have that explanation and interpretation of what actually happened. i just wanted to open op's mind to things that she might've missed or misunderstood.
but if op thinks the same despite this and if this is far from what they see and believe then by all means i can go my way and accept their opinion wholeheartedly.

This seems like a fun little trip, and it's always great to see features generally unexplored in yaoi (even if Waki-san's disability isn't exactly debilitating, it's still not usually brought up). I'll have to give the original a read, poor Kami-san from what it sounds like, poor dear for feeling sick from mean words

Honestly I think the only reason this story works is because it's told from the perspective of a teenager. That's such a transient time of stupidity and self-doubt and peer pressure, unintentional or otherwise, that not knowing everything, making the same mistakes, and not realizing that anything is as simple or nuanced as it actually is, is completely understandable. Mashiro-san is a stupid teenager, who, with just now experiencing his period for the first time, is having some major hormones moving around in his body that "hadn't been" before, and while stereotyping around periods is bad, it does change one's body and mind. He quite obvious has some very messed up views of gender and gender roles, and the fact that he learns as much as he does in that very short "time" is really a testament to teenagehood. I found myself in my teenage years, in ways that I was sure were one way or another, and this is a decent reflection of that time for me. It works much better metaphorically than literally though, I will admit - it would be nice to get more nonbinary characters in manga, especially with how old this one is
I didn't even realize Gyoon's been playing the Mother-in-Law role til this chapter lol