I'm so proud of myself for waiting from the beginning till the end. I'm so not really for this to end I'm crying so hard rn well just gonna have to reread everything over and over again
What 4th wall are you all talking about??? Mgazer_24
breaking the fourth wall is kind of an idiom?? its when the character suddenly acknowledges the audience like looks directly into the camera or audience.
breaking the fourth wall is kind of an idiom?? its when the character suddenly acknowledges the audience like looks directly into the camera or audience. ash1ynx
After all this time he finally said it. But I still think Yooyoung will just forgive him in no time which I think is a bit too fast. Don't forgive him too soon! Remember what he did to you Yooyoung!!
I'm so proud of myself for waiting from the beginning till the end. I'm so not really for this to end I'm crying so hard rn well just gonna have to reread everything over and over again