Just a friendly reminder that scanlation groups do scanlations for free. Please understand when there is a delay in updates. I was just on a webtoon here on mangago where people were being pretty rude because a group hadn't updated in five weeks on a project. A member of the group had to come and explain in the comments that one of their staff members has died of Covid-19 and they are dealing with the fallout from that. People in the comments were already talking about taking over the project and indirectly trashing the group because of the short delay. Delays happen. People have jobs and school. Sometimes the delays are in getting the raws as well. Remember you are here reading for free because people like me and the other scanlators give our time and sometimes our money to get everyone access to free English versions of their favorite manga, mahnwa, & webtoons.

I've been reading on mangago for a really long time. I know that bots tend to be the ones that grab chapters from various sites. Having said that for some reason none of the projects I've worked on recently have their credit pages included. They include the recruitment pages for my group but not the credit pages. We work hard for free for the readers we at least want our credit pages intact.

Will mangago address this issue if you post it here?

Yeah I know. My comment was meant to be sarcastic.

Yeah my post is too. I reported it on one of the chapters but then I started checking other chapters and other projects and realized it was happening on all of them. Emailing from what I've been told by other people that have had various problems on mangago does nothing. This was me venting my frustration. It's disrespectful to the people that spend hours working on these chapters and we do it for free. We don't get paid and we don't make any money off of the sites they get posted too. In some groups like mine we also have expenses that our leader pays out of pocket.

To avoid ads and to be able to view all pages of a chapter at once (multi page viewing) you should make an account. It's free!
It's a good idea to get adblock or adblock plus on your browser ESPECIALLY if you read from a tablet or mobile device because it blocks popups that can give you malware and viruses.
Ask questions, most of us are friendly and will help you if we can.
Additional benefits to an account is the ability to follow lists and albums, to create lists and albums (save your favorite pages!) and if you save a page it automatically saves a link to that manga under the page.
It also helps because if your browser crashes you can click on the clock next to your avatar at the top and it'll show you your recent activity. Very handy for people that like to use incognito mode or like to clear their history every time their browser closes.
It's totally okay to ask for specific types of manga including fetishes or things that might make you blush.
If you see a problem with a manga click the flag on your left and select which category it falls under and give a brief description.
If you want updates from a manga click reading or read. (Want to read will NOT give you updates)
If you see an update for your manga listed but there is no update then it might not be a new chapter but something that was corrected such as a double page being removed, chapters being put into correct order, or something else that someone flagged.
I hope this list helps y'all. = ) -Blue
Edit: If you have a specific type of list you are looking for you can search by keyword. You can also follow specific lists or a user themselves.

To avoid ads and to be able to view all pages of a chapter at once (multi page viewing) you should make an account. It's free!
It's a good idea to get adblock or adblock plus on your browser ESPECIALLY if you read from a tablet or mobile device because it blocks popups that can give you malware and viruses.
Ask questions, most of us are friendly and will help you if we can.
Additional benefits to an account is the ability to follow lists and albums, to create lists and albums (save your favorite pages!) and if you save a page it automatically saves a link to that manga under the page.
It also helps because if your browser crashes you can click on the clock next to your avatar at the top and it'll show you your recent activity. Very handy for people that like to use incognito mode or like to clear their history every time their browser closes.
It's totally okay to ask for specific types of manga including fetishes or things that might make you blush.
If you see a problem with a manga click the flag on your left and select which category it falls under and give a brief description.
If you want updates from a manga click reading or read. (Want to read will NOT give you updates)
If you see an update for your manga listed but there is no update then it might not be a new chapter but something that was corrected such as a double page being removed, chapters being put into correct order, or something else that someone flagged.
I hope this list helps y'all. = ) -Blue

It looks like this ---> http://prnt.sc/aa4g3h

I read mangago on my my ipad. Sometimes, it will appear adds and it will automatically go to my appstore. There are a time when my iPad suddenly restart. But sometimes, the adds doesn't appear.
So, do I need an addblock?
Sorry for my bad english

In one of the yaoi facebook groups I'm in someone is looking for a manga with this description,
"Hi I'm looking for the name of a yaoi manga. The story of a strong prince from a native country where English is not spoken. He comes to a school in England where he is taught how to speak in English. The teacher and student live together and fall in love. The prince has to go back to his home land. But later they come back together and get married by his tribe. Please help me out somebody Thanks advance "
I couldn't think of it so hoping some of my fellow fujoshis can help out.

I love you guys lots for sharing your love of yaoi with me and I hope you'll have a great new year. Happy New Years = ) *won't be on here at midnight my time

Somehow my happy new year mood is ruined by some yaoi manga. I should not read the tragedy ones, and I regret it now.
Btw, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! may God bless we all:))))
I originally posted this March 2nd, of 2016 but I think it should be repeated since I still get comments on the original post.
To avoid ads and to be able to view all pages of a chapter at once (multi page viewing) you should make an account. It's free!
It's a good idea to get adblock or adblock plus on your browser ESPECIALLY if you read from a tablet or mobile device because it blocks popups that can give you malware and viruses.
Ask questions, most of us are friendly and will help you if we can.
Additional benefits to an account is the ability to follow lists and albums, to create lists and albums (save your favorite pages!) and if you save a page it automatically saves a link to that manga under the page.
It also helps because if your browser crashes you can click on the clock next to your avatar at the top and it'll show you your recent activity. Very handy for people that like to use incognito mode or like to clear their history every time their browser closes.
It's totally okay to ask for specific types of manga including fetishes or things that might make you blush.
If you see a problem with a manga click the flag on your left and select which category it falls under and give a brief description.
If you want updates from a manga click reading or read. (Want to read will NOT give you updates)
If you see an update for your manga listed but there is no update then it might not be a new chapter but something that was corrected such as a double page being removed, chapters being put into correct order, or something else that someone flagged.
I hope this list helps y'all. = ) -Blue