Is it innocence , conceit, or just pure delusion?
Not gonna lie, fl is my least favourite of favorites for this. I like her but I have a lot before her (mainly royal family, guardian, and fake saint).
She just reminds me of fl who are in a box who only think things will turn out like the story they read. And a lot of times you can't fight such stories tell us. But the butterfly effect is real. So yay she wants the little sis to actually grow up well and have her happy ending, and maybe because I'm a reader and can see other sides of pov, that I think its silly that she is in denial of her what can be. Anyways, yay that they get a happily ever after and maybe she is right, but she already changed the story by surviving so I'm wondering why doesn't she think that th e story can change more since she already did it a few times (ex. Becoming the white mage or whatever). Of course you don't want to end up with egg on your face with unrequited love, but idk, I find recen/ chapters kind of eh but I am awaiting the face smack8ng mwjajajja. .
So anyways, fl is cool, just on my last fir favourites.
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