I paused on chapter 44 since there's only 49 chaps out so far.
White haired dude who thinks he's a god isn't so bad. At least from up to where I've read. I honestly kind of shipped him with pink model or think it would be fun watching him end up with someone and brought back to humanity lol. Honestly thought he might ve had a crush on the mum. Also happy he was killing the old man. Yes he sucks in ways but I think he is salvageable....he has even helped our main couple out..for his own gain too but still..also maybe partially unknowingly..again..salvageable
I'm ready for old man to be g@ngr@p3d and killed slowly. Bad and sad to say but I said what I said and didn't stutter.
2nd couple is so cute. Happy less angst with them but loving them.
Overall a good story. Don't normally get this match up