Funny enough I dont even feel upset by the fl getting hurt. She willingly followed someone. Yes you can be cordial but why would you knowingly go somewhere without an escort especially where things could be misinterpreted (I would imagine royals would know this) and dangerous. Hunting accidents happen and you dont k ow how to ride a horse. ..sigh more to rant but I'll leave it. ..f9r now

Man please let ml not be too hurt or heartbroken about everything. Mc didn't use ml as material after all but he still has that analysis on ml. I hope they can maturely talk things through.
I'm scared ml is gonna end up going abroad or become an actor in a time skip, and mc will become a screenwrite and drama or emoyional rollercoaster ensues and they finally get back together.
I wonder why it was important for ml to be friends with Jinseok..maybe that's nothing but still wondering. I don't think the drama with MLS family is done yet. Ughhh
So as usual I had to look for spoilers. So it has a novel, yay, but the fl is some chick whose a singer!?!? I was hoping his goddess was the fl..ngl I'm bummed. I think I'd enjoy this without the romance now
Yeah apparently it’s this singer from America that he does a cover of on his channel? I can only hope it’s written well ;;
Can you please share a link for the novel.