shyshyshy March 29, 2019 8:11 pm

Tch, all these reincarnated princess becoming dumber as they grew older. I mean when they are younger, they used to be a sarcastic manipulative baby geniuses, but look at them now.

    BongoCat March 30, 2019 2:56 am

    I guess they become dumb once they ovulate so that they can become the love interest for the jerkass men in the world

    sky March 30, 2019 9:39 pm

    the power of nasty community ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    sterven April 2, 2019 9:38 pm

    ... really btw that there world and that world is different on knowledge how can u say theye become dumb? even a neet have a big amount of knowledge to the other world ... even a dumb person
    (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    shyshyshy April 3, 2019 7:13 pm

    You didn't get my point, it's not the matter of knowledge amount, it's more like their common sense, how they handle things, if you read the story then you should know by now they used to be smarter when they are kids, but look how is she now, she becomes an extra in her own story.

    Sanquin April 5, 2019 1:22 am
    You didn't get my point, it's not the matter of knowledge amount, it's more like their common sense, how they handle things, if you read the story then you should know by now they used to be smarter when they a... shyshyshy

    This I do kind of agree with. She used to be the active one. Acting out her cute little sister role even through all the abuse and such, just to train the boys and her father to start caring for her. And now it does indeed feel a little bit more like stuff is just happening to her, rather than her making stuff happen.

    I hope, considering what happened in the latest 2 chapters, that will change a little bit more to her being more active again. Though I don't really hold my hopes up considering what past similar stories from the east have done. ^^;;

shyshyshy February 22, 2019 9:47 pm

I've been rereading this manga for 5 and 6 times, that's why I can understand why some people think that the author milking the stories. First of all, we fully understands that the timeline in the manga is different, we know that, even though some of us read this for more than 13 years, it's only a year and half in the manga and no we aren't asking for the confession, nope, we all are aware that this manga focus wasn't romance and that's why we love it but let me show you some points that you probably didn't notice or you are in denial to see the obvious because of your love for this manga. I love this manga, I still do, but doesn't mean that I can't complain about it though there is no point still I wanna get it out of my chest.

1. From 30 pages to 20 pages monthly update, not to mention the art style become sloppy you feel like you are reading doujin instead. And if the author stay the same, actually 2 or 3 pages can be fit into 1 pages by maximizing the panels and use the chibi character, but nowadays we see a lot, 1 whole pages wasted for unnecessary thing, like a long screaming with the the long leg and far stretched face.
2. Forget the Romance, we all wish for any kind of development, but so far Kyoko only has 2 roles as Mio and Natsu, and just to get her third role (I forgot her role in that new drama) takes more that a year in our timeline, then another year when she play the parts so I'm assuming she become a great actress would take another decade. Though we see a glimpse of Ren past every now and then, we haven't see the actual stories from Ren POV, Ren need to overcome his trauma too but it's still a long way it seems.
3. If this was a weekly update, then the pace would be perfect, but since this is monthly update, one month chapter with just Kyoko going from her house to film set and then end, would be too much (lacking). This happened a lot lately. In the past we get to see Kyoko interaction with a lot of others and with her demon too, the manga feel like a crowded place with many interesting character even though they only a sidekick, but now it was mostly Kyoko and her thoughts.

shyshyshy December 31, 2018 9:09 pm

You better remember this for the rest of your life Latte, and pay him back later when you got the chance. I hope Latte didn't fall for any of these guys, she deserve someone better than them.

    BloodCoveredAngel December 31, 2018 9:23 pm

    I need to be 100% honest and say that while I agree with you I still want the Mage.

    tohukyo December 31, 2018 9:25 pm

    the magician hasn't really done anything. the prince and knight are a bit over the top and arrogant. they're annoying and definitely don't deserve Latte

    Todorokimydaddy January 1, 2019 3:49 am
    the magician hasn't really done anything. the prince and knight are a bit over the top and arrogant. they're annoying and definitely don't deserve Latte tohukyo


shyshyshy December 15, 2018 9:38 pm

Why is it everytime I got hooked on a perfectly beautiful webtoon, the artist change and it change for the worse. I'm literally crying. The old Arhad and Ianna has devilish charm, especially Arhad, with eyes that look like a wounded beast, he is the true definition of 'handsome as hell', but now they turn out to be just some beautiful character in the neighborhood.

    BonneNuit December 15, 2018 11:18 pm

    Jeez, stop whining lmao. The new art style is fine as it is. Actually, I quite like it

    shyshyshy December 17, 2018 7:59 pm

    I'm very picky when it comes to the art style, no matter how good the story is, but if the art is not to my liking then I won't read it, that's the reason I never read Cheese In The Trap. But this one started as good then gone bad, how am I supposed to stop half way.

shyshyshy December 10, 2018 7:52 pm

Look like Ibelin not so angelic afterall. I guess, she is someone who always become the center of attention even without doing anything and the people around her would be blinded in jealousy, and she knows that very well and she loves it. She remind me of Soo ah from My ID is Gangnam Beauty, someone who smile like an angel but has the heart of an evil, she doesn't even need to dirty her hand, all she needs to do was say a few nice words and let the others became the villain, just like that first encounter with The Duke fish No 2, what she said look like she is helping Latte, but in reality she adding the flame into the fire, and I doubt she didn't do it on purpose. Ah I watch too many korean drama, I see a lot of these kind of character.

    shyshyshy December 11, 2018 6:49 pm

    Ah , what do you think of the latest chapter, when Arwin completely ignored Latte and Ibelin apologize in his stead, don't you think it's a bit weird? Well, if Ibelin close with Arwin it woud be appropriate if she apologizing for him, but they are strangers, why would she need to said the word 'Sorry', most people would pretend nothing happened in such situation or just ignore it, at least that would saved Latte face a little, why does she need to make it sound and clear that Arwin only paying attention to her, it looks to me that Ibelin is adding some salt into the wounds by saying 'Sorry' (literally meaning : he is so gentle towards me but he rudely ignore you, I feel sorry for you). Yeah another girl would be embarrassed and enraged being treated that way and maybe Ibelin got some self satisfactory because that would only mean that the worlds only revolve around her, but when Latte didn't even bothered by it, that would explain Ibelin disgusted expression that only lasted in split second. It's too soon to make a conclusion but this is just my hunch, after all Devil was an Angel once.

shyshyshy December 9, 2018 9:03 pm

The Vengeful Cat? more like a Lazy Cat to me. I don't mind if she was staying in Cat form, but I hate the reason behind it. If Ruri is more comfortable in Cat form that's fine, but she is doing it just because what Lucas said. I really wish she was a bad ass, when someone said 'I'm glad you are not human' she would just turn into human and said 'Oh too bad, I'm human after all' with a wicked smile. And what's the point having such great power when you being chased around by some thug instead worry of your well being she worry more if those thug got harmed instead? furthermore she said 'Don't attack anyone even if I'm harmed, are you a white saint or what? This is the kind female character I hate the most. I prefer those who neither evil nor angel, who remember kindness but also remember revenge, 'if you dare to offend me you will pay the price' type.

Ah I guess I'm just gonna stick to manhwa or manhua, the female character is much better.

    V-chan December 18, 2018 6:56 pm

    That is literally the title of this manga...

    The ridiculously long title of this manga ->

    "The White Cat That Swore Vengeance Was Just Lazing on the Dragon Kings Lap"


    Strong-willed characters are cool and all but this manga is aimed at Cute, Harmless, fun entertainment and that it delivered.

    I enjoy this manga for what it is but maybe these types aren't for you. if you like badass female leads who don't take shit from anyone I suggest:
    Reminiscence Adonis
    Shen Yi Di Nu
    Koushaku Reijou no Tashinami

    and if you've already read these mangas I have a list you can check out

    you can make my day by giving me a follow *wink* *wink* ( ̄∇ ̄")

    shyshyshy December 18, 2018 9:06 pm

    You are right, this is not my type, I don't like 'cute damsel in distress' female character, I prefer the 'Bad, kick-ass' type. I just got annoyed at the fact that she is smart yet dumb, considering she is the most powerful person in that entire kingdom but didn't even use it for her own sake. Lately I'm bored of yaoi so I tried reading shoujo again, and there is so much good manhwa and manhua with strong female character getting upload recently and since this is in the recommendation, I thought this one too but I guess is not.

    Thank you, I already read all that, but I'm gonna check your list .

shyshyshy December 7, 2018 8:34 pm

I didn't really understands what the prince is thinking. he said he isn't being forced to marry her, is he having some feelings for her? then why he treated Elise so coldly in the past. I can only assume, the reason Elise became the wicked empress because of her loneliness, she is already spoiled brat who can get anything she want just by throwing tantrum, when the person she truly love didn't even glance at her no wonder she turn out that why.

    Icetear December 8, 2018 11:33 am

    Just a theory, but maybe he was reincarnated as well?
    Or this early he actually did like her and only started to despise her later because she was a selfish little B*tch.

    Starsandmetaphors December 8, 2018 7:55 pm

    I have two possible explanations for his reaction. First, Elise mentioned that she was a horrible person in her past life and did a lot of bad things, so maybe the prince actually liked her from the beginning until he found out what kind of person she was? He might just appear to be a cold person, but that doesn't mean he didn't have feelings for her which he kept secret (sort of like a Tsundere?). So maybe he only started hating her when he found out she was a really bad person. Now, in her new life, it's like we're back to the prince's first feelings for her before he ended up hating her.

    My second possible explanation is that the prince knows he has to marry someone somewhere in the future. So why oppose the marriage between him and Elise, if he's going to have to marry someone eventually anyway? Until now, Elise hasn't done anything harmful to him or the kingdom. She's also from a very influential family, so the prince hasn't gotten any reason to hate her or their union. In other words: he accepted the union, because it seemed like a good/decent outcome.

shyshyshy November 30, 2018 8:02 pm

when I read the description, I didn't pay much attention to the names since I read a lot of manga where they always misspell the foreign names, so I thought it was just another spelling error till I read chapter 3 'Ameri Cano and Latte' that's when it hit me, I wanna laughing while rolling on the floor but it was midnight here, so i tried to hold back my laughter till my stomach hurts. Gosh, it was something so simple but the author can pull it off and make it so fucking funny.

shyshyshy November 28, 2018 10:14 pm

I wish the same artist would continue this instead, she has better skill, great art and good story telling. after reading the new season, I kinda feel like the story become somewhat meh, even the romance become so cheesy, made me cringe so hard.

shyshyshy November 22, 2018 9:25 pm

I just want to remind you this is REINCARNATION STORY, not TIME TRAVELLING STORY. It's true she has a memory of her past life, but she was born in new body in another world. What more can she do in her child body except act like one, sleeping, eating and playing. She died at age 26, the same age with Caitel when Ariadna was born, so if you want her to fall with someone in her mental age, it would be her dads friend, don't you think it's more gross? No matter how old is her mental, her body still that of kid and she said so herself that she feels like her mental age regressing back to that of a child because the people around her treat her like a child and she was expected to behave like one. and why the author bother to make her remember her past life, I think it was for the sake of her survival, if she is just a new borne baby with no past memories, Caitel would already killed her by now. with her knowledge, as a new borne, she knew if she acted like real crybaby, he would kill her and as a child if she doesn't act cute, Caitel would kill her.

The difference between this manhwa with similar manhwa like 'They Say I was born Princess' was the fact how Ariadna grow up into different person in different world (her face change) whereas Sanghee grow up to be just herself but in different world (her face remain the same). When Ariadna still a baby, she sound like her old self, but as time goes by she adapted to her new life, she begin to think and accept the fact that no matter how cruel Caitel is, he is indeed her own father who share the same blood and thus long for him. at first she only think of how to survive and tries to win Caitel affection but now she is sincerely love him though she still doubt and fear him sometimes, but we can see the real bond between father and daughter those two shared. and when she sees other kids with their mom, she suddenly miss her mom, not her mom back in Korea but her new mom who died when she give birth to her in this new world. But in that another manhwa, Sanghee never thought of herself as a new person, she is just someone who stuck in another world and do everything to survive not to mention her past lover was there to. and she don't even think of her mother as her own mother, more like someone who take good care of her, and so does with her father and brother, she never think of them as family (maybe it will change later on)

    Haibara November 29, 2018 11:15 am

    That was definitely something I thought. Everyone gets mad because Ariadna isn't as mature as the others. But I think this is normal and nice. From the moment I read it, Ariadna was a baby who remembered only her past life for me. And if Ariadna had been crying like you said, she probably wouldn't exist. This was an important part of the father and daughter's relationship. Catiel was a person who did not like and liked. He had a structure that survived on her own and did not trust others. For someone like him, Ariadna's existence is really necessary.
    Ariadna is a character that I really like even though she has lost her sweetness a little. She thinks of everything around her and considers all this as her family. If Ariadna had been as mature as in her old life, the connection with Catiel would be really weak.
    That's why I think Ariadna's current characteristic is the best, no matter what others say, I have no trouble with Ariadna's new personality.

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