I didn't feel bad for that third wheel guy, I found his story completely unnecessary and is very victimized when he indeed slept with his best friend ex girlfriend (or girlfriend), if his best friend would have let him explain what was the excuse "Sorry, I thought you already broken up", do you not know sleeping with your friends ex is still very bad?

He regretted doing that because he knows in any context it was bad. I didn't like that kind of love triangle trope, what would the uke do if his boyfriend was too close with someone who clearly has feelings for him? Would he be completely fine with that?

Idk, they are really cute but I feel I can't enjoy the story with that other guy, I feel like if it was my relationship I would be very uncomfortable too.

But okay, this is just my opinion you can hate it all you want or you can agree to it, it's not the absolute truth, just a random's opinion

It’s so weird how when I was younger this was my favorite story (Minjae and the seme) but now that I grew up realize how toxic it actually is…

You can like this, it’s fine but i guess my taste has change and now I don’t like rape even if “he changes later on’’

But well, I’m not here to criticize, I’m just reflecting on my past ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Okay so I thinking I actually liked this but I liked it as I would like a horror story or a thriller, it’s so messed up and they are both insane… I didn’t want to read it because I’m not really into stories with prostitution (the type where they do it for a need, it feels hard to read) but I ended up with mixed feelings, I didn’t love it but I like it, i guess.

But I feel this is the type of stories I would be forgetting in a few hours tho…

(If you noticed I didn’t mentioned incest in my comment is because IN FICTION I don’t really have a problem with it and in this case it added a more messed up level, it feels more like a kinda thriller/horror story, I guess that’s why it has a psychological tag)

Kinda want another dude to enter the scene just to keep on ruffling Jaehyuk's feathers.

This story is about the alpha and the Omega cause they end up together right? (That's what I read, they apparently even had a kid together)

And I still loved it of course BUT I was taken back by his friends advice I think Nori wouldn't have had that idea of "play hard to get" if it wasn't because of his friend awful advice.

Playing hard to get is fine but not when the other person is crazy over you and is a sweetheart (although, they are both such sweethearts), so my problem is that this insecurity looks too much produced by his friend's words, I guess is a fair insecurity but I didn't like how they handled it.

With that being said this was such a great story to read, it was 0 toxic, so romantic and it has smut that's the perfect mix

I can’t unhate walter, sorry but i feel they forget and forgive too easily how Walter raped Kyle and they just tried redeeming him by apologizing once I guess, and Kyle feared him maybe once and then he even kissed him because Walter asked for it, you raped him, apologize and then you ask for a kiss?! Why he isn’t paying the consequences?! Although Evan didn’t either because he shot himself, I wish Adrian knew about that issue so that he could have handled it ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ so yeah, I’m mad that Walter rapping Kyle was just forgotten instead of Kyle distancing himself from him because for me, being raped by someone you considered a brother is treason.

Guys, in the description CLEARLY said "COMPILATION OF MATURE SCENES FROM..." so that's the reason it doesn't make much sense and that's why it didn't have any type of plot, the original story I guess should have a story (I hope, I haven't read it yet)


I had hopes in this because it was 9.0 rated but then I saw the comments and still, I wanted to have my own opinion.

I got to ch. 6 and it was over, how does this have a 9?! Why?! Characters are boring, they make stupid choices that frustrated me and then the smut... I love smut but just when it's good, they have no chemistry and was the first time I got bored in the smut and wanted to skip it Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

I know we all have different taste but believe me, I have seen many stories I don't like being 9 rated and I'm fine with it because they are not bad stories... Just not my taste... however, this one should be objectively bad.

But I don't judge if anyone here like it, just porn with bad porn and no plot ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I didn’t get why this story is rated 7.8, it’s not a 5 stars story that’s for sure, but it’s not that bad idk ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I'll give this a solid 2 stars for the story, everything was kinda fine FOR ME until they said the ML liked the MC since he was a child (⊙…⊙ )

However I know y'all will crush me for saying this but I loved the smut, I would give a solid 4 stars for the smut without the pedophilia arc

I have mixed feelings about this story, I liked it but at the same time I didn't ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

(The smut was great tho)

I’m surprised I actually made it till the end, I’m not sure if I like it or not, but I’m very sure the author has some type of brother fetish ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Listen, I can absolutely forget they are brothers or not, I actually don't really mind lol but it bugs me that the older brother has that age mentally decrease thing, it's like if he was mentally a kid so... Idk I guess that was my whole issue cause he was being manipulated at the beginning, at least I'm glad they didn't make them do any you know +18 things at the beginning because I would feel it as abuse of some sort, at the end I guess the older brother was already himself so it's fine.

I didn't dislike the story tho, it was different but I did enjoyed it I guess...

Kinda want another dude to enter the scene just to keep on ruffling Jaehyuk's feathers.

Just ignore my username lol created a topic of Jinx

Sometimes I see really bad stories rated 9.5 or 9.4 etc... So I'm glad this one's not even 9.0, that's great ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Just ignore my username lol created a topic of bros.

You know, in real life I don't get incest at all, why would you like a family member? It's gross, but in mangas this is kinda my guilty pleasure I haven't read this yet but sure I will ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

This was too short, I need more of this couple they are so cute and beautiful