Where is the story heading? I can’t figure out the author’s narrative , but celebrating Sora’s return was a slap as I would have wished for an appropriate new friend who could have broken Sora’s spell on Taiyou; Someone who would take Taiyou’s hand to visit a psychologist. This is getting too painful and depressing as no hope is in the horizon.

Sweet as roses, but it doesn’t sting like them. This manga had a decent page with an expected outcome, 2 setbacks were dealt with; An alpha who is not interested in pairing ( Background Story was not included so we the hesitation part was not explained properly ) and a relative Alpha who is impulsive who is not cautious with his approach. Both alphas are arrogant which is a typical characterization in OmegaVerse mangas. Arts is beautiful which is expected ( Just check the Mangaka’ name if you missed it)
Don’t expect anguish chapters, albeit you will get exposed to hurtful moments that are resolved rather quickly.

A Typical romantic storyline of a student vs teacher. 2 sources of conflicts were -1- The Younger StepDad whose they source of anguish towards the younger high schooler whom he tutored and -2– Teacher who was roses by younger student and took the blame of it. The Step Dad angle was shallow in execution despite the initial potential; He can’t be too thick not to understand what is going on. The second point was a brush off; the implication on the teacher ; Touji were not properly explored.
Not a fluffy storyline as it had potential but it wasn’t given the proper tweaks to use these potential factors in better ways.
Easy to read with minimal anguish.

Nothing satisfactory should be expected from thus one Shot. I don’t believe that Stockholm Syndrome should be used as trope in this manga simply because the elements do not exist. Too many events in a span of 2 weeks will not materialize into this ending unless you have a weak character which we have.

The emotional turmoil of losing your beloved combined with the prospect of seeing the son of your beloved is hard. Your secret affair with your lover does not provide you with the opportunity to a visible part of that person life and certainly not after his/her death. You are not a priority if your lover won't announce your relationship; you are probably second or third to someone else. A mentor who preyed on a young student and a child who knew that his father was not loyal and honest with his family. A shattering moment for the young lover to know that his lover left him a monument... a cup, something that could break easily.

Nicely written!

Unfortunately, the mangaka views of Yaoi, are horrendous. Abuse is not love and will never be called love or a form a foundation for a relationship.
Yaoi is not abuse and it should not promote abuse whether physical or mental to be a standard for Yaoi Love.
Some commentators have to the never to say; Get a life, it si Yaoi.. No, that is not an excuse. why can not Yaoi promote healthy relationship and good stories?

I am okay with mutual M&S play but someone this manga makes abuse look like it's okay to do. I hope mangaka improve on and make a better story than this

Content of a manga or any work of literature does not equal approbation of an act. It is merely part of a story, which is a metaphor. The vast majority of readers are smart enough to know that. Grow up before you start telling people what to do.

Promoting violence should not be advocated. Most readers are not all readers! Why can not a story be an advocate for relationship empowerment based on love and respect?
Because readers are smart, we have to look the other way! This is called critic Mr. Anonymous so that the mangaka improves her craft !
I have the right to voice my opinions and For your consideration, intelligent enough to understand the difference between right and wrong, but I despise the message behind this manga!

The manga does not promote violence. People do not read this manga and rush out and commit acts of violence. That's not how books work. Literature acts as a metaphor and a safe place for private exploration.
You don't like it, that's fine. Don't read it. Nobody is forcing you to. But you do NOT get to make that decision for other readers and you do NOT get to condemn either the mangaka or her readers for their choices. That, my friend, is the root of censorship and it is a slippery slope. Stop it.

In my opinion, it promotes violence. That is my view about and if you disagree that is Your choice. I'm not forcing you to condemn it. I'm condemning it as a reader who has her own views and judgments.
We all bring our own values when we review anything and as such that is my answer to this manga
But it seems that you prefer to censor my own view, isn't that hypocrisy?

I honestly don't mind that you don't like violence, or that you don't like it becuase so and so. I don't like violence too due to some stuff that happened in the past. I mentioned this somewhere else to. But I can agree with the prompting.
Some news thing (fox news maybe) talked about how Pokemon prompts animal abuse, and some of the people in the comments saying how to makers of this are messed up and such.
Or how GTA, slender, some mainstream American tv shows, anime with gore, and stuff like that "promotes" violence. Heck even something like spongebob.
Honestly to me your critic is like saying to (Talking to mostly Dylan here)
"Hey! Pokemon is good but how about making it without the fighting, and catching of Pokemon? It would be so much better and promote taking good care of your pets."
Anyway honestly there are actually a good number of none abusive yaoi out there, but they're not translated....It's fine to say you don't like the story due to its violence.
By the way you said "yaoi is not abuse." Yaoi Boyxboy or bluntly gay porn is just Boyxboy "not yaoi positive" or "yaoi negative" honestly it don't even need romance it can just be two dude having sex with no strings attached.
And since its porn usually in some yaoi the sex has some messing or wrong steps, like lubricant or a condom or using water for lube (don't use water for lube....) Which is why in sex Ed in like high school or something the teacher or presenter usually talks about how false porn and that porn is not a documentary, and yes even the rainbow good relationship ones.
Oh gawd I wrote a lot, and it's probably hard to read becuase of errors. xD But if you do read all of this thanks for your patience.

If you believe it promotes violence thats fine because some parts of this manga are and i think so too, and just because you think this manga promotes violence and redefines yaoi then you are wrong because there are plenty of yaoi mangas that arent violent. This manga could portray just an aspect on an individuals yaoi life just like how not all yaoi's are sweet and lovely but not all yaoi is violent and abuse. This concept is the same as shoujo, how straight relationships include domestic violence and sometimes it doesnt. Its all up to the person who is reading this and has the basic substantial knowledge to that this is just a manga. When i was reading this manga i was criging because the guy was violent but possessive like he loved him and that confused me and made me sad but this is just a story but we people can get into the story way too much.

I'm usually okay with gay rape porn, but this one really sucked. Especially the last one. He was the victim of a child predator, and then he gets raped by his teacher. like...huh? what? why? Am I supposed to enjoy this? Am I supposed to put myself in the shoes of the main character and be sodomized and dominated against my will throughout my childhood and adolescence until I'm so fucked up that I can't get hard when my girlfriend tries to get it on? nope.

You do realise that Yaoi doesn't have any rules or guidelines, right? You don't like it and that's okay, write that cause that might lessen your anger, but the stuff about what yaoi is supposed to be is dumb. Not every story has to be fluffy and this isn't some deep shit either it's some kinda fetish porn with a little story. And that should be okay.

This is the worst story to model as happily ever after. Some stories try to break and create trends but this one here is pushing the boundaries a bit too far.
A slave is bought to a brothel to be prostitute. After 4 chapters of abuse; physical and emotional where we see how can this boss break his merchandise spirits, hitting them, raping them and turning their lives into hell , we see the young boy is over his head with her tormentor/abuser! The worst thing is that they are running the brothel together , soliciting men and selling the merchandise!! Disgusting! That last sentence when Shuuji [ the young boy] is asking one of the male prostitutes to work hard while they are in vacation .. He is asking that man to work hard on selling his body, generate a profit so that he and his lover enjoy vacations, This is despicable!
Hallmark Romcom; Poorly executed .