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Comic Relief (10) 2016-07-09 0
Modern Romance(49) 2017-02-14 0
Oirans(9) 2015-11-07 0
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MarsV's topics ( All 127 )

alheab May 22, 2021 4:12 am

Hallmark Romcom; Poorly executed .

alheab April 13, 2021 12:48 pm

Where is the story heading? I can’t figure out the author’s narrative , but celebrating Sora’s return was a slap as I would have wished for an appropriate new friend who could have broken Sora’s spell on Taiyou; Someone who would take Taiyou’s hand to visit a psychologist. This is getting too painful and depressing as no hope is in the horizon.

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Great Read 12-17 06:03

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BLalltheway July 20, 2020 12:33 am

You suck

alheab July 20, 2020 1:12 pm

Good to know ..

alheab December 14, 2014 8:47 am


I'm just an avid reader who is interested in Yaoi who is not a teenager drooling over pictures. I will not say that I am an experienced in this genre, I stumbled upon this, through my love for anime and decided to check it out.
Do I plan to read every manga - Well, I would say that I would attempt to read as many as possible because it is a nice distraction from medical books. I don't enjoy comedy or let me rephrase that; Adam Sandler's type. Those idiotic comedies where everyone is dumb.

Anyway, you are more than welcome to chat!

Have a great day

sandratails December 14, 2014 5:20 am

Hello I saw you comments on some yaoi manga and well I just wanted to check you out, cus well most comments are just "CUTE!!!!! O3O" or "SOOOO HOT *DROOL*"
I just wanted to ask if you are planing to read every yaoi out there or if you just enjoy it and sorta just get to know you, im sorry if im coming out of nowhere and this is message is unwanted

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