And I still believed that Akito deserved to be punished for what she did to the children, those physical and mental abuse will leave scars... Im just happy that some of the zodiacs have understanding parents. I also hated how Kureno - unknowingly or not - tipped the psycho bar further and those old servants enabling the abuse. Ren should have been put in a mental institution, why was she allowed to stay? She will only terrorise future children of the family. Im glad glad Kyo and Yuki get their happy ending.. they deserve them so much

It always makes me sad that Viewfinder manga did not have a proper animation yet this and junjo get lots and lots. The story is so long now, tedious and boring that I wonder how much money does the author earn of it cause Its obviously a cash cow at this point.... It started so good but now I just wanted it to end

I've been reading it for 10 years by now and honestly at this point I love the fact that it's still ongoing? I was a kid when I first came across sekaiichi hatsukoi so it's very nostalgic for me now so I love coming back to it every now and then getting all nostalgic while reading new content.
after this long I kinda just gave up on ever seeing an endingXD same thing with junjo romantica too
I had wanted to reRead this until I realize I'm missing some volumes in my set. Wonder If I'll remember who borrowed. Damn.. Still one of the series that makes you laugh non-stop