torride November 25, 2018 6:07 am

Am the only one who's thinking this...
They said Bum's mom went to another man and left them, right? And they kept on repeating that Bum looks like his mom that's why the uncle kept on raping him. What if Sangwoo's mom was actually Bum's mom?! They have 4 years age gap right? It could totally be possible since Sangwoo's mom isn't honestly a faithful person, right? Could also explain why she's fucked up since, if Bum's uncle raped him, the uncle could very well have raped Bum's mom too and that's why she up and left her family with Bum and found another man (aka Sangwoo's dad?)

I don't know, I'm just speculating. And it could totally add more twist to the already twisted relationship between Bum and Sangwoo.

    Clouds November 25, 2018 6:23 am

    Don't think so, Bum's uncle fancied the mum, but mum was with his brother. Bum's parents died in a car crash I think, there isn't really any thing that says she cheated, just the uncle abused Bum because he thought he looked like his old crush, and he wanted to spite his dead brother, that story is heinous enough. Sangwoo's mum didn't leave the family, she murdered her husband, sexually abused her son, and then died shortly afterwards according to the police, the circumstances of her death were not concluded yet. Having the two MC's secretly being half brothers seems like the most cliche plot, when the author is a better than that.

    torride November 25, 2018 6:45 am
    Don't think so, Bum's uncle fancied the mum, but mum was with his brother. Bum's parents died in a car crash I think, there isn't really any thing that says she cheated, just the uncle abused Bum because he th... Clouds

    I didnt mean that Sangwoo's mom left them and had Bum later on, it's the reverse, since Bum is older by 4 years than Sangwoo. What I meant was, the mom prolly had Bum first then left and had a new family with Sangwoo's dad. And I don't think we're above anyone to say the author is better than making a cliche plot, isn't stockholm syndrome cliche? And that's the summary of this story. It's just executed by the author well. So I don't think Koogi can't use a cliche plotline, she's good at executing those actually.

    Clouds November 25, 2018 6:58 am
    I didnt mean that Sangwoo's mom left them and had Bum later on, it's the reverse, since Bum is older by 4 years than Sangwoo. What I meant was, the mom prolly had Bum first then left and had a new family with S... torride

    I really don't think this is the case. Bum might be older than Sang-woo that doesn't mean that S's parents weren't together at the time, and the mum hiding a pregnancy and birth would seem a bit tricky. Even without this, it seems a bit unlikely that they are related. Just because Sang-woo projects his image of his mother onto Bum, because of his mental health problems, that doesn't mean that they literally are related.

    torride November 25, 2018 7:35 am
    I really don't think this is the case. Bum might be older than Sang-woo that doesn't mean that S's parents weren't together at the time, and the mum hiding a pregnancy and birth would seem a bit tricky. Even wi... Clouds

    ok, that's your opinion.

    ARICAKE November 25, 2018 10:23 am

    Or sangwoo's mom had a twin sister. I have no proof of that though.

    youraedthiswrogn November 25, 2018 3:47 pm
    ok, that's your opinion. torride

    It's my opinion too, tbh. There isn't really anything indicating that Bum's mother went back and forth between Sangwoo's dad and Bum's dad. Your only real argument here is that they were born 4 years apart and some characters look vaguely similar. Was the lady at the ice skeeing course related to them too? Since Sangwoo was hallucinating there too? "there is 4 years between them and Sangwoo makes parallels between his mother and Bum as he's been shown to do to others as well so they could be brothers". I don't follow the logic.

    torride November 25, 2018 3:52 pm
    It's my opinion too, tbh. There isn't really anything indicating that Bum's mother went back and forth between Sangwoo's dad and Bum's dad. Your only real argument here is that they were born 4 years apart and ... youraedthiswrogn

    why are you putting words in my mouth? When did I say that Sangwoo's mom went back and forth with Bum's dad? Did you really read my post and comprehended it properly before posting?

    when did I say "sangoo makes parallels betwenn his mother ans bum.." ?? stop making up lies.

    youraedthiswrogn November 25, 2018 3:56 pm
    why are you putting words in my mouth? When did I say that Sangwoo's mom went back and forth with Bum's dad? Did you really read my post and comprehended it properly before posting?when did I say "sangoo makes ... torride

    She had to have gone back and forth for them to be brothers... She was with one, hooked up with the other and settled down with the 1st. Quite literally, she would've had to in the scenario you're pushing... As far as the "making parallels", you specifically mentioned how Bum looks like his mother... Tell me where exactly i confused anything?

    youraedthiswrogn November 25, 2018 4:00 pm

    I didn't "put words in your mouth", i paraphrased... Rather than type out literally everything you said word for word, as that'd be tedious, i paraphrased. I covered your entire argument, it's not my fault it has no logic and you feel defensive when people say so.

    torride November 25, 2018 5:58 pm
    I didn't "put words in your mouth", i paraphrased... Rather than type out literally everything you said word for word, as that'd be tedious, i paraphrased. I covered your entire argument, it's not my fault it ... youraedthiswrogn

    wow, do you even know what these --> " " <--- connote in grammar and writing? It means you are literally quoting the other person. That's putting words in someone's mouth. And for your information, how the hell does your mind even work? You can have your opinion but make sure you aren't lying about the one you're speaking to, if I didn't tell you you were lying you wouldn't have cleared up that you were paraphrasing me. Hello?

    Stop lying.

    youraedthiswrogn November 25, 2018 6:18 pm
    wow, do you even know what these --> " " <--- connote in grammar and writing? It means you are literally quoting the other person. That's putting words in someone's mouth. And for your information, how th... torride

    Idk what you think that was, but it wasn't an argument. I guess we're done here? It seems you're just messaging me out of anger, all i did was disagree with you and say why, you're the one who got bitchy with me.

    youraedthiswrogn November 25, 2018 6:23 pm

    Also, i used the quotes TO indicate that i was paraphrasing a piece of what you said. It's in quotes, so you know it's about something you said. It seems to have worked just fine considering you registered that the quotes were supposed to be around what you were saying... When you paraphrase you can still add quotes to indicate you're using another's words. Normal logic would've led you to realize i was paraphrasing since i said what you were saying, but not in your exact words. Unfortunately i had to explain...

    youraedthiswrogn November 25, 2018 6:27 pm

    It's like, if i say "i'm the opposite of happy", you'd be able to paraphrase that as "he said he was sad" and you'd still put the writing in quotes to indicate you're paraphrasing something i said.

    torride November 26, 2018 5:11 am
    Idk what you think that was, but it wasn't an argument. I guess we're done here? It seems you're just messaging me out of anger, all i did was disagree with you and say why, you're the one who got bitchy with m... youraedthiswrogn

    so now I'm a bitch because I called you out on lying on me? And please, you kept on pushing your opinion and even called me defensive because you couldn't erase your previous comment making up words I did not say.

    Yes your opinion is not welcome unless you know what a connotation is used for. If you used that kind of logic in your college thesis, you wouldn't pass. Using connotation means you are LITERALLY quoting what the previous person said, if you are paraphrasing me, there is no need for " " because they are not use in that context. Unless you didn't know that? And I bet you didn't.

    As for the actual topic, you don't actually have an opinion on it because all you did was rebut me by misunderstanding my post.

    torride November 26, 2018 5:12 am
    It's like, if i say "i'm the opposite of happy", you'd be able to paraphrase that as "he said he was sad" and you'd still put the writing in quotes to indicate you're paraphrasing something i said. youraedthiswrogn

    No ma'am, you do not use quotation marks to paraphrase someone. You can ask your professor about proper grammar.

    youraedthiswrogn November 26, 2018 6:36 am
    so now I'm a bitch because I called you out on lying on me? And please, you kept on pushing your opinion and even called me defensive because you couldn't erase your previous comment making up words I did not s... torride

    Are you done? I didn't ask your permission to post. You're such a child getting THIS upset that someone disagrees with you when you can't provide any evidence of what you're saying. You keep saying i misunderstood what you were saying while not saying exactly what it was i misunderstood. I didn't misunderstand anything. I literally went over how everything i said was something you directly said, just not in the same words.

    youraedthiswrogn November 26, 2018 6:37 am
    No ma'am, you do not use quotation marks to paraphrase someone. You can ask your professor about proper grammar. torride

    You don't know what you're talking about.

    youraedthiswrogn November 26, 2018 7:51 am

    Idk what you're talking about when you say "lying", but let me clear a few things up:

    I didn't call you a bitch, i said you're being "bitchy", as in you've had an annoying attitude with me since LITERALLY my 1st response to you. Now, I got something confused, the paraphrase of what you said was: "your only real argument is that they have a 4 year age gap and that some characters look vaguely similar". This wasn't in quotes. The other paraphrase that i put in quotes was of your "4 year age gap" quote and something Clouds said at the end of their 2nd response to you, they said "just because Sang-woo projects his image of his mother onto Bum, because of his mental health problems, that doesn't mean that they are literally related". I guess i got you two mixed up WITHIN THAT ONE SPECIFIC SENTENCE, i added in what they said at the end of what you said. I suppose i should apologize for that mixup, but before you try and act like me mixing you two up in that sentence means anything i'd like to point out that it doesn't. The rest was entirely paraphrased from what you said. Literally everything i said, aside from that one sentence about Sangwoo drawing parallels, was something you said. You can remove that sentence and my point still stands, "your only real argument is that they have a 4 year age gap and that some characters look vaguely similar". You keep trying to argue that me using quotes that sentence isn't correct because i was paraphrasing, but that isn't true as you actually can paraphrase in quotes (you don't NEED to, but you can.) and DIRECT QUOTES AREN'T THE ONLY TYPE OF QUOTES. That wasn't a direct quote, it was a paraphrased quote, but a quote nonetheless. It was a concept that the two of YOU, not i, brought forward. Yours being "they have a 4 years age gap, right?" and Clouds having said the other portion.

    Let me give a few direct quotes from you:

    "they have 4 years age gap, right?", "they kept on repeating that Bum looks like his mom that's why the uncle kept on raping him", "what if Sangwoo's mom was actually Bum's mom?!".

    Looking at the quotes above, the clear implication here is that you're using Bum's similar looks to Sangwoo's mom as some kind of "proof" that they could be related, hence me saying "your only real argument is that they have a 4 year age gap and that some characters look vaguely similar" and "was the lady at the ice skeeing course related to them too? Since Sangwoo was hallucinating there too"? I was saying that if similar looks are enough for you as proof, then the ice skeeing course lady is related to them too since she apparently looked enough like Sangwoo's mom that he was hallucinating.

    You had said "when did i say Sangwoo's mom was going back and forth with Bum's dad?", you said it here: "they said Bum's mom went to another man and left them, right?", "what if Sangwoo's mom was Bum's mom?!". If "Bum's mom is Sangwoo's mom" , "Bum's mom went to another man and left them" and your theory is that the two are brothers, you're saying she went back and forward at least once. Am i wrong?

    youraedthiswrogn November 26, 2018 8:20 am

    I think you're confusing "quotation marks" and "quotes". A quote is always word for word and within quotation marks, quotation marks are used for various reasons.

torride November 21, 2018 1:34 pm

If they're gonna have a hybrid fox-wolf baby ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Remember Ho said the foxes and wolves numbers are dwindling due to hunting? And that he's mating to basically increase their population? Hmmmm....

    Ash November 21, 2018 2:00 pm

    Its like what they say:
    “ Wolf Mate for Life”
    Haha (≧∀≦)

torride November 20, 2018 9:13 am

I've been reading a lot of webtoons as of late, and a lot of them start off good but gets draggy or boring... and I found a new webtoon to read yay! I hope this one would keep on getting better and better :D

    405479 December 2, 2018 4:56 am

    Try reading lookism it's really interesting and a lot of surprises i really love it you should try to

    torride December 2, 2018 5:40 am
    Try reading lookism it's really interesting and a lot of surprises i really love it you should try to 405479

    thanks! I'll try that one now (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

torride November 18, 2018 9:26 pm

It means Inui doesn't love Tatsumi anymore and that's why he can't smell his pheromones ╥﹏╥

Somehow, it breaks my heart.

Unless, Inui was really trying to control himself cause he's still mad at Tatsumi's cheating ass.

But I don't know why, I'd really like it if Tatsumi doesn't come crawling back but actually grows a pair and leaves Inui and find his own apartment, but we all know Tatsumi will probably beg and then they'd have great make up sex ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    [INEFFABLE] November 18, 2018 10:14 pm

    I think inui was trying to hold it. It hurt my heart when he said he doesn't smell anything, but at the same time tatsumi tried to cheat (reason or not, it cant justify).

    magz November 18, 2018 11:34 pm

    maybe he was exposed to his pheromones long enough to build up resistance. since his pheromones didnt affect only ppl who loved him but random people. he is heartbroken and feels betrayed. but i believe he still loves him and thats why he is hurt so much by this betrayal..

    HanaChou November 19, 2018 11:34 am

    Inui's nose was stuffy because he had a cold. That's why he couldn't smell Tatsumi's pheromones.

    torride November 19, 2018 12:06 pm
    Inui's nose was stuffy because he had a cold. That's why he couldn't smell Tatsumi's pheromones. HanaChou

    oooooh! DON'T SPOIL MEH! I'm speculating but I don't want to have the cake and eat it too! not yet, at least XD

torride November 18, 2018 1:19 pm

I'm clutching my imaginary pearls over Ein's situation right now. Ein, you better not die on us 'cause we haven't seen enough of Diesel's backstory yet, and I'm sure I'll lose interest reading Diesel and Ein's backstory if Ein dies cause it'll make everything more painful once the flashbacks are over (/TДT)/

So hold on Ein! Don't die!!

And little tiny Pablo booboo wants to form a pack? I feel like it's gonna be a mismatched bunch with the 3 of them; Pablo, Bexan and Diesel. But it will be interesting if it happens, and if their pack grows, right?? ヾ(☆▽☆)

    malkiv November 19, 2018 2:49 am

    Hey don't forget his sister. She's there alpha.

    torride November 19, 2018 5:40 am
    Hey don't forget his sister. She's there alpha. malkiv

    whaaaaat? (⊙…⊙ ) whose sister? Is this a spoiler for the upcoming chapters? if it is, please don't answer me if it's a spoiler, I don't want to know.

    malkiv November 19, 2018 6:03 am

    No Paco. The men in black is from his sister's security company he said that a couple of chapters to go if not the last chapter. He also stated she's an alpha.

    torride November 19, 2018 6:14 am
    No Paco. The men in black is from his sister's security company he said that a couple of chapters to go if not the last chapter. He also stated she's an alpha. malkiv

    ohhh! oh yeah now I remember he did say that hahaha! I was scared for a minute, I thought you meant Bexan had a sister and I was like 'wait, I didn't want to know that!" hahahaha! hmmm, now that you mentioned it... maybe Pablo will introduce her sister to the 2, so she can see if they can be welcomed in the pack (if her sister already has a pack). That would be interesting, I wonder if Pablo's sister has a flashy fashion like his brother (≧∀≦)

torride November 17, 2018 9:39 am

bitch, mangago didn't even notified me this manga had a new chapter. I had to find out after seeing it on trending mangas on my homepage here (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    baboxxgurl November 17, 2018 11:02 am

    That’s actually what I hate about mangago they have a schedule when to notify us when a next chap is up. So if the manga is uploaded after the scheduled notif I would notify instead for the next day. For my case it’s at 8pm

    Lover November 17, 2018 11:54 am

    Same here
    My notif is still for HERE U ARE (≧∀≦)

torride November 15, 2018 7:23 am

volume 1 was translated by fujoshi bitches scanlating team, vol 2 was translated by Suiren Tsukiyomi. The 1st scanlating team was probably working on the scans of the vol 2 when Suiren Tsukiyomi posted her own translated work and pissed off (probably) the 1st scanlating team.

this manga is completed by the original author already and is not licensed in english, so this manga is actually finished in japanese and is just waiting for any interested and capable translator to work on it.

Suiren Tsukiyomi actually said in her post that if anyone is interested, they can message her so she can turn over the remaining work she has partially done for Volume 2 chapter 2 onwards.

Either the original scanlating team spoke to her and took over and has not posted yet, or Suiren decided to not finish the remaining translations for volume 2 for her own reasons.

this manga is not dropped by the 1st scanlating team, I just checked their webpage and this is on their 'ongoing' section and they also clarified that they did not drop this manga.

So... Fujoshi Bitches if you're reading this, I hope you can give this manga to another translating team because this is giving me blue balls.

TWO. YEARS. and the team is still saying this manga is not dropped but ongoing. please turn it over to any willing translating team so we can unclench our nutsacks already.

torride November 15, 2018 7:07 am

the manga is completed by the mangaka but it seems like the scanlating team who did this manga has dropped it? I feel sad that I was left with a cliff hanger and I'll never know what actually happened after the latest chapter ╥﹏╥

torride November 13, 2018 8:16 am

I was excited to read this manga then I saw the first few pages and the scanlation is grainy as fuck. Like downloading a low resolution manga then putting on translations on top of it. I can't even continue on reading it cause the scans were so grainy, it feels like I'm being catfished lol. I hope the scanlating team, (if they're able to read this), doesn't take this as an insult but as a constructive criticism. (⌒▽⌒)

    SH47 November 13, 2018 9:55 am

    Mehehe. Never use the word “criticism”, that tempers flaring. ‘Constructive feedback’ will have peeps seeing red less than ‘cristicism’. Lord knows I start hissing from dark corners when I hear that word.

    torride November 13, 2018 10:29 am

    um...that's an actual word for editors in English literature in college courses, it's not meant as an insult, it is a noun not an adjective. There is no such word as constructive feedback. But I get what you mean, people may get offended and take it as an attack on their hard work. thanks!

    SH47 November 14, 2018 8:13 am
    um...that's an actual word for editors in English literature in college courses, it's not meant as an insult, it is a noun not an adjective. There is no such word as constructive feedback. But I get what you me... torride

    Oh, I know it’s not meant as an insult, and constructive feedback is a word ;p I know all about college courses and was on the editing and publishing board for two years for my college’s magazine. ‘Feedback’ is a word used when speaking to writers, because criticism can unintentionally make writers defensive if they are unuse to people breaking down their plot lines and questioning charater motives etc. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    R December 28, 2018 12:13 am
    Oh, I know it’s not meant as an insult, and constructive feedback is a word ;p I know all about college courses and was on the editing and publishing board for two years for my college’s magazine. ‘Feedba... SH47

    actually those are two words, but they are words indeed

    Coral Reef February 10, 2019 2:51 am

    I have the perfect solution for that. DO YOUR DAMNED SELF! Problem solved. Simple uh?!

    Coral Reef February 10, 2019 2:53 am

    oops, this is not for you.

torride November 12, 2018 2:56 pm

I'm so confused who is going to end up with who, and who is mounting who.

Is alpha wolf going to mount beta rabbit or alpha snake? Is beta rabbit going to mount alpha snake? Is there going to be a threesome?

I really don't want a threesome though (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

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