Ryu October 10, 2023 7:27 am

Can someone tell me which chapter is the part where the OP wakes up and his team mates kinda puts him to sleep or keep him from sacrificing himself again?

I forgot to bookmark

Ryu September 13, 2023 8:32 am

This started out so promising, but now it feels dragging, the romance is nowhere established, and the confusing translations also don't help at all. Basically it's getting boring.

Ryu August 30, 2023 10:38 am

I love this webtoon, I hope someone or a team picks this one up. I'm not sure if it's dropped.

I wish the smut were also longer

    Ale September 2, 2023 5:07 pm

    I think it’s because season 1 ended, so I think there just waiting for season 2 to be released? but i honestly dont know

Ryu July 22, 2021 4:22 pm

that lady chang having a eunuch as her servant is major historical mistake.

any women of the emperor never have a eunuch as a servant. all the servants of concubines are required to be female. because even if eunuchs have their dicks cut off, romantic relationship is still possible with women and having a eunuch as a servant is big no no in chinese and korean history.

Also, another inaccuracy are the big amount of interference that eunuchs do in this story. They are not allowed as much freedom to speak as these eunuchs in this stories do. Any proper saeguk drama or chinese harem drama will tell you this; eunuchs serve but pretend to not see or hear anything that will get them into trouble, if they are too talkative towards the emperor, they can get demoted or sent to be whipped for punishment.

Also, kinda sad that all the harem girls seem to be stupid in this story. No one is acting smart or playing coy on their motives, they see Kang and they immediately want to shit on him. I'm still waiting for a formidable female opponent in this story. Not another jealous hag.

    July 22, 2021 4:36 pm

    ok miss history

    Ryu July 22, 2021 4:44 pm
    ok miss history

    i don't need your patronizing comment, if you're not the ignorant person who doesn't know that, no need to feel so defensive.

    Celestia ludenberg July 22, 2021 5:45 pm

    Well if they try to make the story realistic like that, it won't be much fun,no?

    I agree about a strong opponent
    But I don't think the emperor will fall for it, you know?
    He already thinks of the harem Politically than emotionally
    So I don't think acting coy will work on him.....

    July 22, 2021 5:45 pm
    i don't need your patronizing comment, if you're not the ignorant person who doesn't know that, no need to feel so defensive. Ryu

    i was just joking also i didn’t even read the whole thing cuz it was so long sorry you took it in a rude way just bc i called you “miss history”

    iamb July 22, 2021 7:38 pm

    Well, eunuchs were also very powerful politically using their place of trust and knowledge to wield power behind the scenes. They toppled dynasties .There were emperors that feared them and were controlled by them.
    And I feel the concubines are just now going to start showing their hidden claws. But speaking for myself, I don't enjoy all the machinations of the harem so I hope this won't include a lot of that, and I feel this emperor is written in a different way, def less formal , and showing less restraint by the rules. He's more of a warlord character. It's more fun and different imo.

    Gin&tonic July 22, 2021 9:35 pm
    ok miss history

    Rotf lol

    dxdxd July 23, 2021 2:14 am
    ok miss history

    I think this is a good opinion tbh,, the og comment not yours, its nice 2 hear historical accuracy comments

    Gin&tonic July 23, 2021 3:36 am
    I think this is a good opinion tbh,, the og comment not yours, its nice 2 hear historical accuracy comments dxdxd

    I know those comments above me gave a lot of insight knowledge but it was still a little funny

    DemFeels July 23, 2021 3:58 am

    Meanwhile every ancient historical webtoon:

    Gin&tonic July 23, 2021 8:43 pm

    This has so many replies

    DemFeels July 23, 2021 9:02 pm
    This has so many replies Gin&tonic

    I just thought it was quite funny talking about historical inaccuracies when this webtoon specifically is straight up demigods which I thing is the biggest historical inaccuracy haha. Still interesting to read about tho.

    DemFeels July 23, 2021 9:03 pm
    I just thought it was quite funny talking about historical inaccuracies when this webtoon specifically is straight up demigods which I thing is the biggest historical inaccuracy haha. Still interesting to read ... DemFeels


    Gin&tonic July 23, 2021 9:28 pm
    I just thought it was quite funny talking about historical inaccuracies when this webtoon specifically is straight up demigods which I thing is the biggest historical inaccuracy haha. Still interesting to read ... DemFeels

    I know its nice that a small dicussion about a manga didn't blow over. And yes it is a interesting read

    DemFeels July 23, 2021 9:39 pm
    I know its nice that a small dicussion about a manga didn't blow over. And yes it is a interesting read Gin&tonic


    Sugasan July 24, 2021 8:55 am

    Agree that eunuchs never directly serve any concubine nor even the queen. But I still think they hold a little more power than you think.. Some of them serve the royal family for many years so the king would know them since childhood and eventually listen to them more or at least give them the freedom to talk and give him advice if necessary.. They can also control and supervise other servants in the palace and pull out dangerous plans too.. They're not that hopeless.. In this manhwa the king kinda let the eunuch nag because he knows he's loyal to him and he was probably serving him for a long time..

    b r o k e n b a l l a d October 30, 2023 9:12 am

    Agree with your comment. Historically accurate doesn't mean it's no fun lol. A good author can do both.

    I also agree with the harem thingy. The women were portrayed too antagonizing. Maybe to add more angst cause the replacement of a dead lover angst trope is too cliché now

Ryu July 16, 2021 5:16 am

jin didn't choke on that raddish, sir do you have a gag reflex or not?

and kinda ew on matthew licking his jizz from jin's face, hahahaha!

    Kapu July 16, 2021 5:18 am

    That's alright, I would also prefer to have someone lick it off without a care in the world, but for some reason boys go "ew", even tho I swallow lol. Make it make sense

    Ryu July 16, 2021 5:49 am
    That's alright, I would also prefer to have someone lick it off without a care in the world, but for some reason boys go "ew", even tho I swallow lol. Make it make sense Kapu

    I don't know what you're getting at. I'm saying it's ew cause that's matthew's own jizz he's eating. I'd be ok with matthew eating jin's jizz, but his own? ew.

    Kapu July 16, 2021 8:41 am
    I don't know what you're getting at. I'm saying it's ew cause that's matthew's own jizz he's eating. I'd be ok with matthew eating jin's jizz, but his own? ew. Ryu

    Not getting at anything, just commenting something that crossed my mind, sorry that it sounded defensive

Ryu July 16, 2021 5:11 am

the eunuch is such an uptight asshole. I guess it can't be helped since he thinks Kang's position in the empire is beneath his job title as head eunuch. ugh.

Ryu July 15, 2021 5:09 pm

imagine an asshole you weren't even speaking to slamming your head on the table, I'd charge that man assault and hopefully a cctv was around.

I am so furious at the fact that a rude asshole assaulted eui joon for being disrespectful to his boss, like bitch, no one's talking to you you're the rude one in this conversation, dickwad.

I hope he gets a head slam from ahjussi too, he needs to stfu and pick a guy his own size to fight with. ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Ryu July 13, 2021 5:29 am


WHAT IF Baelang is the actual disfigured emperor and the brother general is Mujin???

I'm just making theories.

Maybe Baelang got his face fixed or something like that... I don't know. Cause what is the relation between Mujin running away from the palace? He could also be part of the people who tried to rebel to the emperor, so it could be that??

Or he could be Sura... but it's kinda far fetched if you think about it. I just want to make sense of the story.

I hope Choa gets a new personality too, it's ok if he's weak and gullible, but I just wish he has other aspirations aside from looking for the other doctors. Cause once he finds the other doctors, he basically doesn't have any goals anymore, and he just gets dragged along everybody else's shit. Which is kinda bland for a main character you know.

Ryu July 12, 2021 4:54 am

the ninjas sound like bitches crying over personal feelings. how are they so invested to the king but won't listen to his commands when their feelings get compromised?

like the first ninja who made a shit decision cause the emperor decided to punish him, then now the captain ninja is bitching over losing his master and not following through his last words. like, are you guys really professionals??

    Mistique667 July 12, 2021 6:56 am

    Lol that's savage

    ⛲the fountain goddess⛲ July 12, 2021 4:25 pm

    they're like newbie employees

    Kyrie July 18, 2021 3:27 am

    out of all the names you could've used you used bitches they're just so emotionally damaged they're wilding pls-

Ryu July 8, 2021 5:21 pm

I have so much to say!!

After watching chinese harem series for quite some time, I am so happy I can understand some of the common things happening here.

First off, more bitchy concubines in the harem...I see...

2nd, I'm sure the new bitchy concubine will get pissed at Kang too after this cause the Emperor decided to go to Kang instead of her after picking her for the night.

3rd, it's kind of unheard of for a eunuch to act belligerent towards the Emperor by saying 'you must go to ***!' .... the c-dramas I've watch, the eunuchs usually do not question the Emperor's whims if he wishes to not attend the concubine's house midway, the eunuchs just announce to the entourage in which direction the Emperor wishes to go to, and everyone adjusts accordingly. That eunuch has guts, that's considered disrespectful to tell the Emperor what to do unless they're asked to.

The emperor doesn't have any obligation to go to a concubine's house if he changes his mind at any point in time at all.

Also, Kang get ready... you might get slapped by the new maids or the new concubines again (which I find super annoying like why can't we have good female characters in this BL story, someone who isn't out to get Kang?)

    Vernelle July 8, 2021 7:02 pm

    I'm glad you're here to keep the fact in check for us. I've seen and read a lot as well and hate the the way the women treat their servants. Because most of the time their just venting their frustration of not getting their way with the the emperor. Excuse my language but I've always believed that"Shit Rolls Downhill". It's true for negative things.
    As far as Kang goes I think the thing that helps him here in this story is that he's a demigod. In that respect he does not acknowledge or feel superior to the social class pressure like the others in the place succumb to constantly. He speaks his mind inot in a rude way but rather in a matter of fact way. As in its the way it is or n observation. His presence will definitely cause an uproar in the place for some and a wonder for others. Now how how will this effect the emperor and his reign. like will people try oust him, assassinate him, or accept it.. we'll have to wait and see.
    BUT I'm definitely Ready to see them get closer and kiss. Oh yeah, have you noticed all the women look (drawn) exactly alike?

    Ryu July 9, 2021 3:15 am
    I'm glad you're here to keep the fact in check for us. I've seen and read a lot as well and hate the the way the women treat their servants. Because most of the time their just venting their frustration of not ... Vernelle

    I actually haven't noticed how the women look alike because even the men look exactly alike (sometimes Kang and San looks the same if not for their identifying marks like mole, hair style, clothes worn) ... I identify the women with their hairstyle and clothes though. Like, I don't even remember the names of the 2 new concubines introduced in the story.

    In a political sense, if word gets out that Kang curries the favor of the emperor, a lot of ambitious men/women would probably try to suck up to him in hopes of currying the emperor's favor too (and in the process, get promotion I guess? or business deals approved? or even get the emperor to notice them if they are women, and possibly become a concubine too).

    What I do hope in the story though is for Kang to show more of his other talents aside from painting (but if they focus on the painting then it's ok too), I think the general consensus in this story is that a divine being has 'divine' talents not just one, like they're beautiful/handsome, talented, physically fit, etc (you know like a perfect being)... also, I still haven't forgotten the question of why Kang was sent to the mortal realm to pay for a sin he did as an immortal (that had something to do with San)...

    I have a theory, that San is actually also a god (since his mother dreamed that a descending dragon went to her belly and she became pregnant with San) that either got punished to become a human or he willingly went down to become a human, then Kang in his divine form helped San rid of the current emperor, the divine beings got pissed cause San as the new emperor didn't believe in gods and destroyed temples and shit (and to Eastern wuxia/xianxia beliefs, a god is only as powerful as the amount of devotees he has like if he receives a lot of prayers, offerings, erected temples) so now Kang was punished for abetting San's behavior and was sent down to the mortal realm to meet the god hating San and have a taste of what it's like being hated by San (I'm guessing that Kang becoming a mortal isn't the actual punishment because his life as a mortal was too easy going and doesn't really feel like a punishment, also, don't you find it odd that Kang knows he's a god and is being punished but the content of his punishment and what lead up to it is erased from his memories? I'm thinking if Kang knows his punishment was to cross paths with the emperor San and suffer the fury of an anti-god emperor, he'd be smart enough to avoid San until his mortal days are over).

    Vernelle July 9, 2021 4:35 am
    I actually haven't noticed how the women look alike because even the men look exactly alike (sometimes Kang and San looks the same if not for their identifying marks like mole, hair style, clothes worn) ... I i... Ryu

    You've made a lot of good points that we'll have see as the story progresses.
    1.The concubines... The reasons I brought them up was because in the last chapter when the group was talking by the pond and one higher concubine said said to another, "if the emperor visits me tonight I'll tell him to go to you tomorrow. The second concubine the higher was speaking to lokked exactly like the empress. I almost thought it was her for a second. It was just a passing remark. BUT I will say I love how the characters have a very Realistic look to them. They don't have those typical Manga features. I feel it helps give each character more individualism. Kand has an innocence in his look and the emperor I think look really handsome and a believable man in his 20's.Very unique!!
    2.Kang fearlessness and intelligence, I agree is definitely going to be a draw for others in the palace. We've already seen it with his new household affairs assignment. They looked down on him until he started recalling numbers. I think he will contribute in all areas especially since the emperor drags him with him everywhere with him. BUT I also see the emperor getting jealous of something he wants to keep to himself.
    .3. I do remember the dream the emperor had about the dragon and also that Kang doesn't remember his sin. I find it's interesting that in the last chapter Kang was thing about embracing the emperor. I didn't think he would fall that easy. I thought it would be the emperor first. And the emperor needs to watch these scolding that Kang receives because once he has a target on his back you the tricks they pull to try and get rid of someone...

    Xxrainy_bluexX July 9, 2021 9:06 pm

    I watch korean historical dramas and there are times when I see eunuchs act belligerent towards the emperor, maybe eunuchs have a little more power in ancient korea than ancient china. This is a manhwa after all.


    jeha July 11, 2021 3:46 am

    actually the eunuchs are quite powerful since they are considered the emperors caretakers and nannies you can look up abt it but this historical manhwa has a fun and comedic vibe I mean, compared to other manhwas so its probably just for the sake of the comedy

    Ryu July 11, 2021 4:50 am
    actually the eunuchs are quite powerful since they are considered the emperors caretakers and nannies you can look up abt it but this historical manhwa has a fun and comedic vibe I mean, compared to other manhw... jeha

    um, I don't have to look it up. I know how the chinese imperial system works .___.

    eunuchs are only powerful to those below them, it doesn't give them the right to speak like that to an emperor, a favored concubine, an empress, or a favored princess/prince or any members of the royal family.

    My point is, San is a powerful emperor, a belligerent eunuch like that is so out of character to the imperial system. But I think the author took liberties to make the story more relatable or less serious.

    Ryu July 11, 2021 4:59 am
    actually the eunuchs are quite powerful since they are considered the emperors caretakers and nannies you can look up abt it but this historical manhwa has a fun and comedic vibe I mean, compared to other manhw... jeha

    actually, all your reference are not historically accurate even in the ancient korean imperial system. those eunuchs with a lot of personalities are just for the comedy, real eunuchs cannot comment on the princess/prince/king they are serving... to be correct, eunuchs do not serve female royalties, only men. There are female attendants to princesses/empresses in the imperial system, whether it be Korean or Chinese. So that right there in the first 10 minutes of the link you gave is inaccurate.

    the eunuchs are only powerful to those below them, they are not above or beyond reproach to the royal family. Offend a royal member of the family and you could get yourself demoted, punished, or killed (depending on how favored your position is to the emperor).

    In the story, San is a powerful emperor who doesn't tolerate disrespect as what you can see in his demeanor (he only lets Kang be a little disrespectful because he finds him interesting atm), so his eunuch telling him that he 'needs' to go to the concubine is kind of not in character in the imperial system, but I guess the author took liberties to make the story more relatable (you know, like the eunuch acts like a friend that tells you stuff nicely, instead of seeing the eunuch as a bland servant who's subservient to his master).

    jeha July 11, 2021 6:17 am

    yea i know, they are not powerful in the sense of they can do whatever they want towards the royal family but they are cunning, and often scheme to get powers but like subtly. like I said this has a comedic vibe that's why I agree with your point that the author deliberately made it to be less serious. but its not unheard of for eunuchs to take powers and revolt


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