I paid for the whole thing and I personally don't think it was worth it. It's more smut than anything and the story gets kind of draggy. Overall the kind you can find here plenty off and on cheaper priced sites. If you have enough money sure go for it, but otherwise I think there are better ones where your money will be more well spent.
anyone knows if that's an actually webtoon OST?
romance 101 x 10cm
I noticed too many manga/webtoons have been using that tag lately even though it doesn't match them, so I can't depend on that anymore. Please recommend me your favorite. More recent one would be nice since I've read a lot of them. Doesn't matter what other genre, though some romance would be nice.
Thank you!
could have put this in a whole new ass webtoon and kept it sweet with just the main couple alone ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍