Hello, so i remember reading this manga (not webtoon) about a guy who had the power to make wishes come true or has some power with his voice (i think something like this?) And he finds his childhood friend somewhere in the beach (very romantic) and the friend was supposed to not remember the guy, and the guy thinks he doesn't remember. Also they shared some music device when they were kids and there is something about de voice of the guy that changed when he was little. The parents were about to divorce and with his voice he tried to stop that to happen. I think that's all I can remember. I REALLY want to read this again and I cant find it so if someone can somehow recognize the yaoi with the little info I gave I will be very thankful
Is it this one?
Hi, I saw a this yaoi like 3 years ago about a guy waiting for a "girl" he know and promised to become his wife and then "she" shows up and it's a boy. He's is love with the protagonist and wants to be his wife, does the housework and everything. They end up together. The protagonist is a student and I think that's everything I remember... also when the guy shows up, they start living together. If you know pleaaaaase tell me the name of the manga. Thank youuuu
This might be it but I think there are quite a few mangas with that storyline.
is it this ???????
i hope this is it
is it this ???????
i hope this is it
wait i don't think this is it lol but i remember reading something along those lines tho flip let me check my history
Try this one
After reading this I just hugged my cat and started crying soooo much. She was so confused looking at me ahahahaha