kyomichi's feed

kyomichi created a topic of Concubine Walkthrough

It's alright, this is all just my personal opinion and taste but I don't like the MC's personality, she's not the type of MC that I like, I find her to be bland and typical but as I said again this is just my taste. I also didn't like that much how the story was presented, I found it a little messy. The plot and idea itself are great it's very interesting and intriguing but the way it's written and presented wasn't done as well as I hoped it to be. In all honesty, I have skimmed so many times while reading this manhwa that there even came one point where I skipped a chapter. And if you expect romance there is but not a lot so don't get your hopes up. I rated this 4 stars since I liked the plot it would have been 3.5 stars but there is no option for a decimal rating.