The Careful Empress
Thanks to the author I cried like a lifetime's worth of tears XD i don't know why, i don't know what it is that made me cry, and I have no plans on knowing the answer to my questions. It's a great story. Much more satisfactory than a tale of a similar sort which is the Phantom of the Opera, in which both the Phantom (book Phantom) and the Red Dragon Azar lacked the morality to see the errors of their ways. Can we really judge said people when their morality differs from us? Food for thought~
The Library Needs A Witch
Dropped - i really think this couldv had potential, but the art is lacking angles and dramatic flair. Webtoons are known for exaggerated presentation for reactions the way you would see in a theater plays, movies, or animated creations. The lack of other angles such as low angles and other such examples makes the whole flow of the story feel too stiff, as everything seems to be at eye level. Theres potential in the story and art however, and I hope to see them get better in their creations.
The Scorned Villainess Survives in the Wilderness