I get its supposed to be comedy but i cant help but feel like the MC literally dont deserve to be "cursed", i mean first of all, who would date a guy u barely know?? Second, the guy who cursed her literally grabbed her, any women in a setting where she's alone w a guy she doesnt even know would react the way she reacted - actually anyone *would* react that way regardless of gender
I would love to continue reading but i dont really want to keep watching her go through this injustice and it's supposed to be funny but I just feel annoyed

Everything happened too fast and too soon @_@ too bad cuz the whole plot premise is actually really good maybe instead of chapter 62 being the aftermath already, maybe the author can change it to the recap of everything that happened when they saved Estian, and then back to the present
Like there should be at least 1 more chapter dedicated to that scene... Idk thats just me tho
Doing that feels like it would retain the author's wishes of a unique climax without letting the readers feel like they were supposed to slowly be immersed into that climax but all they got was a lil nudge and that was it

I mean it could be romantic if done right
Anyways im not rlly focus on that scene too much i guess i just made that into example in how the author can slow down a bit cuz it felt like they were rushing to the ending when they had the choice to really marinate it
(So like in that sense it's like food, i dont dislike the dish they made in fact i loved it - had they waited a lil longer tho it wouldv been more flavorful) but yeah i get what u mean, i guess to each our own tastes :D

Im all for uplifting women but that blondie aint it our homegirl is just mindin her business and that Lucia better not mess with our girl
Anyways i think im gonna call "Carine" Cain instead, it really made sense story wise for his name to be read as Cain instead
As soon as his name was changed by other translators that way, I knew he would stab Abel at the back (and apparently, in the front quite literally) which is such a smart move on the author's part to name them like that :D i just find it very interesting haha

The duke is actually a pretty interesting character since sometimes u cant really tell which of what he says is the truth or the lie. He's a complicated and a simple character at the same time.
Complicated in a sense that u never really know what he does behind the readers' backs (how did he threaten the marchioness? Is it really only a threat, or was there blackmailing, etc. involved? Just as one of the few examples) Sometimes he can be confusing, because of the lengths he goes through to appease MC.
But at the same time he's a simple character. He tells MC himself "I will indulge u... As long as u stay with me forever", very much like how u would spoil a pet dog so ur guaranteed their affection for u. When he said that MC will fall for him eventually, that's his goal out loud, only because it's the only way for him to guarantee MC will never try to leave his side. And, he is doing so only because he NEEDS MC, she's useful to him. So he would play his part, as a husband, and he expects she would play her part, as his purifier. **And he will continue to play his part obediently as long as she continues to play her part.**
Think about her role like an oxygen – if you were in the Duke's shoes, and you badly needed to breathe, and the only way to get that is by getting a (human) oxygen tank; then of course you'd be obsessed and possessive of it, because it's your only means of living. Especially knowing there are plenty of other people like u that needs that oxygen. But because this oxygen can think, speak and feel for themselves, what's the best way to assure it never escapes your grasps? The best way to assure no one can steal it from you?
It's important to remember how many times the author themselves reiterate thru side characters and sometimes MC herself how the Duke doesn't really love her, bcuz from here on out we can only imagine his obsession over her will gradually worsen, and some readers MIGHT mistake it as him falling in love with MC when its not. He's the type of character that wouldn't feel remorse after k1lling MC, but would feel that it was "a shame she had to die this early" and move on with his life. He's a good "villain" not bcuz the author made excuses for him like "look! He's actually good and kind deep inside!" but because he's a lil sh!t and the author warned us again and again about it.

This story is actually really good, there are just times where i find myself confused/can't relate cuz i feel like a lot of their conversations, especially w Zion and MC, reflect conversations of people who understand how romantic relationship works
Im sometimes annoyed at MC a little but I actually admire her honesty. She's not w Leo so she has a right to try to fall for someone else and she admits she's attracted to someone but she's honest to herself and doesn't deny she can't forget about her ex. Her admitting this is what makes her real, it's human and real to feel conflicted like she does.
Zion on the other hand tho, fake dating or not idk how his conscience can handle dating his BFF's ex. Theres a better way to make ur friend move on from their ex-lover and betraying their trust shouldn't be an option. Idc about his circumstances either, MC isnt the only girl in the planet. Idk bout u guys but so far Zion feels like the worse ML out of everyone, personally.

The audacity of this cheating b!tch
So fcking shameless for him to stalk (? Not sure about this but it looked like he is stalking MC) him like what even is he expecting?? Does he really think they can continue their relationship when he's MARRIED?? His skin is so thick not even the laws of physics can penetrate it not even a bullet can make a dent
Recent translation aside i really dislike how the whole story just revolves around how Valrose is scared of Nocton, is doubting Nocton, Nocton this Nocton that like
Where is this going?? The cycle goes:
Valrose doubts Nocton → they have a fight → Nocton looks pitiful → Nocton flashbacks
Rinse and repeat
Can we pls move on?? I honestly can't see whats the point in repeating this cycle over and over again. Just when u think the story is going somewhere (when Valrose was like "even so i wanna believe in u") the author did another 180° turn and then we're back from the start :facepalm:
it doesnt help that sometimes the story would focus more on the side characters like her friend, which doesnt make the readers as immersed in valrose and nocton's story, which is supposed to be THE MAIN CHARACTERS here. It disrupts the flow and turn away the focus of the readers from the main characters. Im all for knowing more about side characters but not to the extent where their story is better and far more interesting than whatevers happening with Valrose and Nocton