Lmao Let’s be real there were many other ways you could’ve paid him, you’re just horny
I usually skim past the sex scenes in bl because the bottom always looks they won’t be able to shit straight for the next few weeks but GOT DAMN THAT WAS HOT ( the author does it right everytime)
Mmm the age gap is really killing me, like what is the problem with Korean authors, it either weird age gap or some type of incestuous relationship like they could’ve easily made him 21
I’m actually obsessed with them, recommendations like this one pls?
( I’ve already read Lucky paradise)
Does anybody in the omegaverse not know how to use their words instead their dicks????
Like you’re gonna resort to rape instead of telling him how you feel?( at least the prof. Gave him a choice)
The fact the the baby has bushy eyebrows but no hair is soo cute and hilarious
I feel like the story and the storytelling could be better especially with the MC because one minute he hates him and the next he all lovely dovey like where the development, and also the accident like there’s no way he would’ve survived that ????
Why tf do they have red dicks??? Somebody come censor this shit
I couldn’t stop screaming and smiling reading this chapter, they’re so awkward lmao
Everyone who’s complaining about the translation out of all things need as much help as the author
One moment they’re all cute and blushing and then boom smacking and slapping?
Also what’s up with that other professor why is always just there??
I hope they don’t do that “ make him beg for you” story line, ITS SOO FUCKING OLD ATP