I hope Daehyung apologizes at least for thinking that MC was just a slut in the beginning. I don't think MC had any intention of sleeping with Daehyung when they met at the bar but when Daehyung suggested they sleep together MC probably thought "This is the only way I can help my friends and not let them down". Just that entire conversation and the sex afterwards tugged at my heartstrings for the MC.

This has nothing to do with the story but the one thing I wish with all manga on this site is that the people uploading would edit the panels so they don't just cut off in the middle of a character's face or the middle of a speech bubble. It wasn't a problem for me in the beginning but now it's just starting to irk me more and more (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

At first I thought the story was good but then out of nowhere we're given the fact that Aya has been cheating on Yuu while Yuu is at work. I don't really understand why Aya couldn't just cut ties with the other women without sleeping with them. He's talking about cherishing Yuu but then goes behind his backto sleep with these women to cut ties to cherish Yuu. I really don't understand why he couldn't just send like a group message "Like oh, hey I'm in a relationship let's not contact one another." He really didn't have to sleep with these women to break it off and that annoys me the most. Also I don't think Yuu knows what Aya's been doing I mean he mentioned the perfume that Aya had on him but I don't think he knew exactly what was happening with Aya. And this makes me mad too because Aya was ready to tell Yuu that he liked him but then is still sleeping around. I'm very confused and please don't reply with "He's was breaking his ties so Yuu can be his only one." I call bullshit because again he could've just texted or since to me he wanted to break ties personally take them to a coffee shop or something and break it off no need to sleep with them! There is no need none at all to sleep with them. Aya is a good for nothing asshole and Yuu deserves alot better.

Though when Aya wanted to tell Yuu that he loved him and had all the intentions to be in a relationship with Yuu he still would've have been sleeping around. And was Aya even getting paid by these women correct me if I'm wrong wasn't he just paying back the women who had sheltered him from my understanding? That doesn't sound like work it just sounds like being a gigolo without the money. Σ(っ°Д °;)っ
Err feeling lazy to check but what did Director Kang say to Yiyoung that made Yiyoung not show Kang his dick?
I think he mentioned at one point that he’s straight (mostly ig) and yiyoung was worried his dick would turn him off (don’t quote me on that tho cause I’m reading like 100 other yaoi manga rn)
Lilly is right.
Oh okay thanks so much!