Disney parody of 2 male disney characters. Those were popular back in 2018/19 where'd they'd pair characters from different disney movies like elsa and jack frost, I forgot which characters it was (hans/gaston??? or flinn/hans??) i dunno i forgot. And i thought "huh, ig it works"... thats where it started. 1 reply
I let the pressure get to me last minute :) just kidding, i dont eat in the morning (im on a budget) and take myself out to a nice cafe or restaurant that allows studying and eat my brunch. It forces me to study because 1) i spent money to eat and 2) i need to look like im busy and not just on my phone. lolol.
I do this often 2 weeks before midt...... reply
4-3 hours at night, and 2 hours at day so 6 hours overallᕦ( ⊡ 益 ⊡ )ᕤ lmao
can still manage to read for an hour before bed... just be careful not to dive into a long story cuz might not sleep at all 1 reply
If you want action/adventure/fantasy/mystery/horror genres, I super recommend LORD OF THE MYSTERIES(please read the novel instead. fucking epic, an amazing masterpiece, great story you wont regret it!) and MY HOUSE OF HORRORS( a lot of fun scenarios to read and clever/charming protag). 1 reply