I wonder if Lorkan sees Ian in a romantic or a kind of possessive but not romantic way? He doesn't particularly give off wanting to romance Ian but something more like treating him as a prized possession.... hmm I wonder what his motives are...
and why would he imprint Ian and try to compete w/ his brother?
I really do wonder about how he really feels for Ian... After reading ch.82, it looks to be exactly as Lorkan tells his mother in that chapter.. that his ideal human would be more like a bird in an open cage waiting for him even though it has wings to fly off. The way he controls/manipulates Ian is so much like this description. He made it so that Ian became so afraid to disappoint him, or lose the Cardinal's favor and affection even though he was smart, strong and capable. He hung on to the Cardinal's every word.
Perhaps Lorkan's affections have grown to be a bit more than just obsession or possessiveness because he still did try to protect Ian and rescue him after the trial/verdict though it was quite twisted since he still had to prioritize his position and reputation. Poor Ian..
krazy lol