If you've read the mangaka's other works, then you'd know rape is gonna be there on the agenda. Personally, I find it lazy storytelling. I like their art tho. ┐(´ー`)┌ Might just wait for this to end before diving in to read. Not a fan of flashbacks and I have a feeling this one is gonna have a hefty one.

I hate when people dictate what a person should be feeling. How they invalidate a person's choice because it's obviously not the right choice. Well, F**** YOU VERY MUCH. As if their choices didn't matter like they weren't done by grown adults. It's so damn ridiculous. IT'S THEIR EFFING CHOICE. NOT HIS. Infuriates me to no end.

I like how this story slaps me in the face every time. I appreciate a story where I can't quite predict where it's going. Truly do appreciate it.
As for the people complaining about how gay it is...??????? Y'know what, I wish people would just read without thinking about those things. It doesn't bother me coz that's not even the point of the story ರ_ರ just enjoy reading it hayst

Yes to the surprise and the gasp. I don't even know what that implies and why baphomet was chosen to become human. Also, what was Raven's mission? It kind of implies that each of the strong players have their own missions.
Also, now that Baphomet knows that he's using Raven's body, what kind of new techniques is he planning on having. He's always been good in battle so it would be interesting to see how the realization translates into his own training.

Isaki shooting down Chika's dad for his reaction to Testsuki is GOLD. THAT'S RIGHT YOU DUMBF****. Tetsuki AND HIS FAMILY friggin' showered Chika with enough care and love that, at the end of the day, Chika started believing he wasn't so bad after all. Tetsuki fam is MVP and it warms my heart that they always considered Chika a part of their family too.

Childhood friend's level of clinginess is turning me off from this story SO BAD. And it might be a translation issue or just how it's narrated, but I'm not a fan of MC's wishy washy attitude when it comes to Luka. I'm so confused. What exactly was the plan??? I thought she needed to distance herself from him but...???? ರ_ರ Nah, she just let's him do what he wants. What a headache.

I mean Lukas was just a kid too. He and FL were so close, obviously he was hurt and scared after FL started avoiding him after he got his powers. Even if it was for another reason, he didn't know that and misunderstood that FL thinks of him as a monster. The two used to be so sticky before FL got her past life memories that it's not surprising how clingy Lukas is. Before it used to be mutual clinginess which is why it seemed normal and cute, but since FL has other things she wants to do now, it looks like Lukas is way more clingy.
Also, I don't see why FL needs to distance herself from Lukas. Tbh the only thing Lukas did bad in the future was fall for someone else and forget about FL who was waiting for a reply for her confession from Lukas. There's really no need to stay away for Lukas, FL just needs to make sure she doesn't fall in love with him and everything will go fine. She won't be heartbroken or anything in the future. Unlike in other stories, FL doesn't die because of Lukas, the hero.
He 'dolled up' and chucked the glasses out, improved his wardrobe, etc only to find out this dude might actually have a glasses/nerdy fetish. Lol wtf
ONLY 8 CHAPTERS !? ok then
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