esi created a topic of Our Sunny Days

the sweetness is gonna give me cavities

esi created a topic of Our Sunny Days

they’re so fuckin sweet and lovely i just can’t believe we’ve got a story so wholesome and simple after the tremendous amount of shitty and toxic bls we have been subjected to

rereading ch 67 and seoan projecting like mad bro how r u gonna chastise someone else for not standing up to their dad when you can’t look your father in the eye

esi created a topic of Our Sunny Days


esi created a topic of When the Killer Falls in Love

they really are an untouchable couple in an untouchable story wtf this is so fkn good, with how redundant bls have been these past years this story, their relationship and the characters have all been a breath of fresh air. absolutely fkn love it

esi asked a question

any recs of the ml doing the mc dirty and has to grovel like mad to get him back?? pls need some actual grovelling and yearning

esi created a topic of Wet Sand

can the author just chock us and give us a poly relationship

esi created a topic of Dear, 00


esi created a topic of Lucky Paradise

dropped this at chapter 60 something bc black haired guy was too annoying not choosing between current guy and his “ex”? So came back to check on them and???? When the hell did he get this obsessed with ho-in???? Might have to pick it up again. Is it worth it?

my baby woowon anxiously measuring seoans finger in his sleep and giving him a lil peck… he’s so baby girl :’)

loved seeing upi speak about how intentional every move and character trait was. happy to see them also acknowledge that seoans actions stemmed from toxic behaviour (albeit not bc he wants to hurt his partner but because of abandonment issues) and narcissistic tendencies. love them both and I’m excited as hell for the next season :’) excited to see their growth!!!

ending the season without having them even meet.. and like this??? my villain origin story for real

woowon the man that you are!!!! Even with his ptsd and trauma he could look that bastard in his eye and stand up for himself, without even any violence etc, hats off for his emotional maturity and how he sticks to his principles even when faced with multiple bastards during the course of the manhwa. another character development i can’t wait for!!!! This is just the beginning for his character

Seeing seoan this stressed is low-key satisfying after all those chapters of him being mad narcissistic and nonchalant about their relationship, happy he is finally breaking a sweat and I’m looking forward to his character development!

the more i reread the story the more apparent it is how seoan is an actual pushover when it comes to his father, like how is he gonna be mad with woowon (his father literally threatened woowon with his mother) for not instantly fighting back when he literally nods along to anything his father says, has picked up on so many of his toxic/violent traits and keeps looking for his approval? kinda hypocritical if u ask me

esi created a topic of Nerd Project

“Just this once” pls tell me this means they’re switches

”I’m sure you’ll change for the better”
“Have you always felt like that?”

ouch :’(

love that woowon stood up for himself and made seoan break a sweat, been feed up with his nonchalant attitude and rudeness, he needed to understand that he isn’t alone in this relationship and he can’t just think woowon will always be there! go woowooooon

seoan talking from the top of the stairs looking down at woowon, signifying their class differences and principals… yeah just go ahead and kill me now

esi created a topic of When the Killer Falls in Love

I’m sorry but taeman patching himself up was so hot