Her last line in ch12 makes me wonder.... does she have all of her memories of her past life? Is she missing memories and she doesn't realize it? Or was Ciel really just emotionally constipated?
This may just be my red flag blindness acting up, but since we got to see what Ciel experienced, I understand why he acted that way to Seohyeon. He was probably paranoid and worried af if he doesn't see her, fearing she would be in danger and used against him by the government who wanted to chain him to korea. Because he said *initially* he didn't like her, which means he eventually did grow affection for her (you could argue that it's due to the guiding, but I'd like to think that over time, Ciel grew to trust Seohyeon as someone he can rely on, and at the same time someone he has to protect.)
Still, as we saw from her POV, he really was overbearing to her, without even an explanation on why he acts that way. Honestly, if this is a wife-chasing story, I hope he works hard to regain her love and prove himself worthy of her this time. Compared to other scum male leads, he's pretty tame and much more worthy of forgiveness lol
This story is already so good, I love that they aren't prolonging the secret of her reincarnation to the ml. Really looking forward to the rest, I hope they keep up this momentum of pacing!
I think she does have all her memories but if you’re talking about the scene where he is sweet with her when she was sick, well… she was sick so she thinks it was just a hallucination or dream. And I think the moments where he were sweet were so fleeting that she just didn’t understand them as being loving or sweet moments. So yes, I think your latter guess is more accurate that he was just emotionally constipated. I think he just has his own perspective of things, and he inflated how affectionate he was to her in his own head.
He has long been abusive to servants and his toddler sister from some statements before, but no one dares to report because of his status and the power of his mother's family. They are victims of his cruelty, yet none dare to complain in fear of harsher punishments. He wants for nothing, his mother loves him, he should have no reason to be a piece of shit and yet he is. He thinks himself untouchable, and in a way, he is. Only the crown prince and emperor can deal with him, hence mc's provocation. There is finally a third party witness who can unbiasedly say what happened to the emperor, and the cruel prince will hopefully face consequences at last. Though I don't think he'll be punished for being shitty to servants. Probably just for what he did to the mc, a favored princess.
the 2nd prince and her mother will be exile and the 2nd prince will die as the emperor granted him a poison wine after several years. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Damn almost all the main characters are dying?
not at all .. I mean the MC is still alive she not just growing at all the ogML is alive and the ogFL is alive and even the ML is alive which in the ognovel should have died .. Im not in the part yet to know if the emperor will die or not ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭