LOL, I actually find Eunuch Song more entertaining than the rest of the characters. Sorry, I don't really get the hate for him -- are the rest better???? The only thing uke does is f*cking and s*cking -- yeah, he does this to become human, but seriously, he's boring. The boring hunter seme hasn't appeared since.... when? And he's not a saint either. The prince king whoever is a nutjob psycho madman. XD

So is he just gonna kill this monkey?

What Sanders me about it is that off you use logic for even one second you can see who are at fault in the situation. The monke actress all high and mighty, but realistically m if the monkeys didn't go after Soonam, leopard-snake would have no reason to attack them. They attack because the drug makes them destroy their OWN tattoos. Like seriously. This is how I see it.
The drug pusher pharmacist monkey is getting his fellow monkeys hooked on the stuff and once they are good as dead (ie unable to give him anymore money) he convinces them to go after soonam in order to get ls to dispose of them faster so it doesn't get pinned on him as well as keeps the most dangerous predator they have busy and out of his direct business.

Exactly. The real bad guy is the drug provider. The monkeys are victims actually.
Also, I would be upset too if a top-predator was created in order to hunt my people/species down (here, the primates). Moreover, the seme makes fun of the monkey bc he would like to look like humans. The way he speaks reeks of racial supremacy imho.
If you think it's sh*t why do you keep reading this or coming back here "just to check out" the new chapter?!
Rest of story is good, and checking to hope for a better outcome. Like this second side story was worth the wait cuz so far it seems healthy and sweet