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    sakuracry January 25, 2015 2:14 pm

    it`s the a novel by guilt/pleasure: "in these words"

    Lightasus January 25, 2015 6:37 pm
    it`s the a novel by guilt/pleasure: "in these words" sakuracry

    I'm pretty sure it's a doujinshi, not a novel...

    m0k0u January 25, 2015 7:09 pm

    the first few pages are like a novel and the rest is drawn >,< it's reaally amazing if you like psychological, and as you can see the art is just beautiful xD it's my fav yaoi >,< if you want to read it, you can buy the first 2 volumes in germany

    Lina99 January 25, 2015 7:42 pm
    the first few pages are like a novel and the rest is drawn >,< it's reaally amazing if you like psychological, and as you can see the art is just beautiful xD it's my fav yaoi >,< if you want to rea... m0k0u

    Luckily I'm German :)
    Do you no the author? I really want to buy it *.*

    m0k0u January 25, 2015 8:07 pm
    Luckily I'm German :)Do you no the author? I really want to buy it *.* Lina99

    as sakuracry already mentioned it's in these words by guilt/pleasure. here's the amazon link

    m0k0u January 25, 2015 8:57 pm
    Luckily I'm German :)Do you no the author? I really want to buy it *.* Lina99

    yup, as sakuracry said, it's called "in these words" by guilt/pleasure.

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