I don't like whats happening.. whyyy whyyyyy! The arts so good why make it too twisted

calm down your horses. there is nothing bad with being upset with the content of the story because the art is beautiful. also a story consisting of only rape, torture and similar bullshit is far from enjoyable to many, of course a large percentage of the audience would have complaints and not like this. this manhwa is complete garbage and its one positive trait is the artstyle.

I think you're being too negative. I've never rea any of the manga of this author. I just read it coz of the cover coz it looked so good and was surprised it was like that. Why do you have to be so negative about it? Saying it wasnt made for me? Of course it wasn't made for me. I knew that. You're on your head dude chill. I don't need your scolding when you're just a nobody. You could've scrolled away past my comment lol

I found an alternative site for the chap, here ya go https://yaoitoon.com/manga/warning-heavy-rain/chapter-13/109084
Daaang, Kim dan putting all those walls. Make him suffer for all the things he did to you!!!! Slay!