Happened today, i was only reading yaoi and playing online games all day when suddenly my mother brought the topic again about my enrollment in college for the new semester. The topic is kinda like a taboo to talk about here in my family because my older sister and I got into the same college... and my older sister didn't graduate because of failing grades and depression.
Last last year she was supposed to graduate didn't happen, but she didn't gave up and tried for the next semester. But depression kicked in her system again and drained all her motivation to the brink. She didn't go to her lectures and eventually dropped her subjects. She opened up to me that time while crying one night and I listened all the way, i hugged her silently.
She kept talking about how a useless child she is, she didn't deserved to be an older sister to us, she's the black sheep of our family, she didn't do shit in her life, she's nothing, it won't affect us if she was gone in our lives... I told her, don't think that way, she's important to us and she's our one and only older sister. She shouldn't belittle herself, that she can do it.
Then she told me she is planning to go see a psychiatrist, i was glad shes planning for herself on how to be better. She knows herself whats the problem, she told me that her self confidence is too little (but she doesn't have any problems with

Anyone has raws??
Raw is what he did. Totally raw. And hard. Yep.