What if the author pulls shit and Jeongmin actually dies and Siyun goes crazy and thinks that he doesn't deserve to suicide coz everything happened because of him and so he will just live life like a hell as a punishment and to give justification to the story title he can only see her in his dreams and like he starts his own world in his dreams where he reaches the epitome of the ability they possessed and then he is truly free in his dreams ong I'm gonna fucking lose my mind dwag

How did her character go down like this? She's supposed to be a strong woman. Theon this Theon that like girl, YOU DON'T LIKE HIM. idl bro it seems kinda dragging. After the confession of Ethan, that Theon bitch doesn't deserve to get this much screentime. Idk but am I missing smth? Theon didn't hate her, but he didn't like her too! He literally gave single fucks about her, killed himself to make both her and Ethan suffer. She can't forget her past but how can she forget about that part? Yes if u say that now Theon genuinely has feelings for her but who the fuck cares? Would he ever understand Dorothy like Ethan did when in the past life? Doing everything for her just for her to keep babbling about Theon like idk kinda getting on my nerves. Either stay single or forget about that Theon bitch